Famous Americans
Notable Names
WW1 Odd

This U.S. general, known as "Black Jack," led the American Expeditionary Forces (AEF) in World War I.

Who is General John J. Pershing?


This battle, fought in 1916, was the longest battle of World War I, lasting nearly 10 months between French and German forces.

What is the Battle of Verdun?


This type of warfare, characterized by soldiers fighting from deep ditches, led to a deadly stalemate on the Western Front.

What is trench warfare?


He was the President of the United States during World War 1

Who is Woodrow Wilson?


This common household animal was used to detect poisonous gas in the trenches.

What is a canary?


This World War I hero was awarded the Medal of Honor after single-handedly capturing 132 German soldiers.

Who is Alvin York?


This 1916 battle saw over 1 million casualties and is known for being one of the bloodiest battles in history.

What is the Battle of the Somme?


This new war machine, first used by the British at the Battle of the Somme, was a new type of warfare designed to cross no man's land and break through enemy lines.

What is Tank Warfare?


Having shot down 80 enemy planes, he would go on to infamy as a World War 1 Flying Ace

Who is the Red Baron?


On Christmas Eve 1914, soldiers from opposing sides temporarily stopped fighting to celebrate this holiday tradition.

What is the Christmas Truce?


Before becoming Supreme Allied Commander in World War II and later U.S. President, this man served as a logistics officer during World War I.

Who is Dwight D. Eisenhower?


U.S. troops fought alongside the French in this 1918 battle, marking one of the first major engagements of American forces in World War I.

What is the Battle of Château-Thierry?


Originally used for reconnaissance, this new warfare technology took war to the skies and later evolved into dogfighting and bombing raids.

What is Airplane Warfare?


He was the main character in Erich Maria Remarque's book "All Quiet On The Western Front"

Who is Paul Bäumer? 


This famous WWI messenger pigeon saved nearly 200 U.S. soldiers by delivering a crucial message despite being shot.

Who is Cher Ami?


This future U.S. general, famous for his leadership in World War II, first gained attention in WWI for leading America’s first tank attack.

Who is George S. Patton?


This brutal battle in June 1918 saw the U.S. Marines earn their legendary reputation, with their fierce fighting leading to victory against the Germans.

What is the Battle of Belleau Wood?


This terrifying weapon, first used by the Germans in 1915, spread toxic fumes across the battlefield, causing blindness, choking, and deadly burns.

What is chemical warfare?


On June 28, 1914, this 19-year-old member of the Black Hand assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo.

Who is Gavrilo Princip?


WWI saw the use of animals in war, including dogs, horses, and even this large marine mammal trained by Russia to detect submarines.

What is a beluga whale?


Before becoming the 33rd President of the United States, this man commanded an artillery unit in World War I.

Who is Harry S. Truman?


This battle, fought from September to November 1918, was the largest American-led offensive of World War I and helped bring an end to the war.

What is the Meuse-Argonne Offensive?


This rapid-fire warfare changed the nature of battle, making frontal assaults extremely deadly and leading to the widespread use of trench warfare.

What is Machine Gun Warfare?


This secret message, sent by Germany to Mexico in 1917, promised U.S. territory in exchange for joining the war against the United States.

What is the Zimmermann Telegram?


To protect themselves from trench rats, soldiers sometimes slept with this unexpected item tucked under their blankets.

What is a bayonet?


During World War I, this future five-star general and Korean War leader became the youngest brigadier general in the U.S. Army at the age of 38.

Who is Douglas MacArthur?


The Battle of the Somme is famous for the first use of this new military technology, designed to break through enemy trenches.

What is the tank?


Germany used this type of warfare to attack enemy and civilian ships, helping push the United States into the war after sinking vessels like the Lusitania.

What is Submarine Warfare?


This French general hosted the armistice negotiations in his railway car in the Compiègne Forest, where Germany officially surrendered on November 11, 1918.

Who is General Ferdinand Foch?


One of the most unusual injuries of WWI was "shell shock," but some soldiers also suffered from this condition, caused by prolonged exposure to damp, unsanitary trenches.

What is trench foot?
