
When you deposit money in the bank, it is processed into their system and then invested in these.

What are many forms of credit?


Unbeknownst to the American public, FDR lost most of this due to contracting Polio when he was 39.

What is the ability to walk?


This building burned down in February of 1933, leading to Hitler’s sudden (not unexpected) dictatorship.

What is the Reichstag?


Earthquakes are measured by this scale, which uses magnitudes (increasing by a factor of x10) to describe the amount of energy released.

What is the Richter Scale?


According to Roosevelt, this was the “First Step” to fixing the American banking crisis and the economy.

What is a nationwide banking holiday?


In March 12, 1933, newly inaugurated President Roosevelt speaks to Americans in the first of the ‘_________ Chats’, which would become a nearly weekly occurence.

What is Fireside?


Adolf Hitler convinced this German President that the Communist Party was about to violently overthrow the government, and in response granted Hitler emergency powers.

Who is Paul von Hindenburg?


Because Americans were suspicious that the Diet version of this, their favorite soft drink, was not really Diet because it tasted the exact same as the original, the company added a bitter flavoring to the recipe.

What is Coca-Cola?


In Mary Poppins, Michael Banks’ shouts to “give me back my money”, leads to this, which actually happened on March 5, 1933 in America.

What is a Run on the Bank?


FDR set a record that has yet to be beaten, passing this many laws in his first 100 days.

What is 77 Laws?


Perhaps seen as the least important of Hitler’s emergency powers, was his new authority overrule these governments.

What are local and state?


On November 23, 1991, during an episode of WWE Superstars, Macho Man Randy Savage was tied up in the bottom ropes as his opponent Jake Robert’s pulled this out of a bag and horrified America by letting it bite the Macho Man several times.

What is a King Cobra?


The FDIC insures American deposits, meaning that if a bank collapses, Americans can recoup up to this amount of their money back.

What is $250,000?


Today the President is elected in November and is inaugurated the following January 20th, but during the time that Roosevelt was elected, he wouldn’t be inaugurated until this date.

What is March 4?


When the Reichstag burned, Hitler converted this type of building into the new home for the German legislature, as it had plenty of seating and could be used for more theatrical propaganda.

What is an Opera House?


The aptly-named this kind of Horseman carried a Jack’O’Lantern in his right hand as he chased Ichabod Crane out of Sleepy Hollow.

What is the Headless Horseman?


In a bit of a surprise, the top 1% in America began to recuperate their losses and turned a profit in this year after the Stock Market Crash? 

What is 1930?


Though credited by historians, both foreign and American, with pulling America through and out of the Great Depression, in the 1980s, this Party began to openly question FDR’s supposed status as savior, and instead claim it was the War itself that saved the economy.

What is the Republican Party?


In 2008, Germany posthumously pardoned Marinus van der Lubbe, a member of the Communist Party, who had been executed for starting this.

What is the Reichstag Fire of 1933?


Horror movie actor Kane Hodder refused to kick a dog or kill a child in a horror movie, causing writers to add a list of rules, such as not harming children, that this famous horror villain would never break.

Who is Jason Voorhees?
