3) What was the Lusitania?
British liner that was sunk by German U-boats and 128 Americans died
4) What was the Zimmerman note/telegram?
It was from Germany to Mexico and proposed an alliance against the US. If Mexico fought against the US, Germany would give them some American land.
14) What was propaganda?
Biased communication designed to influence people
18) What was the Great Migration?
The large-scale movement of Southern blacks to the North
16) How did World War I impact German Americans?
Their culture was suppressed (music, language, literature, etc.)
1) Why were Americans opposed to the war?
They did not want to see their sons die in war, some African Americans did not want to fight for a racist government, etc.
20) How were women impacted by the war?
Many had jobs that had previously been held by men, many volunteers, these efforts helped bolster support for suffrage, some were active in a peace movement.
5) Was the Lusitania or the Zimmerman Telegram more important in getting the US to join the war? Explain your answer.
Answers will vary
Lusitania: people died
Zimmerman: brought the war close to the US
13) How did America finance the war?
Through taxes and bonds
7) How did Americans help turn the tide of the war in favor of the Allies?
They came with numbers and fresh troops
17) What were the Espionage and Sedition Acts?
They were acts that said a person could be fined or imprisoned for interfering with the war effort; speaking against the government.
19) Why did African Americans move during the Great Migration?
Pull factors: job opportunities in the North
Push factors: racism in the South
9) Who was Alvin York?
Former conscientious objector who decides to fight in the war because he believes it is a just war and becomes a war hero.
6) What was the Selective Service Act?
Men register, randomly chosen for service, draft of sorts
21) What were the Fourteen Points (general definition not specific points)?
Wilson’s plan for world peace
8) Who was General John J. Pershing?
He was the leader of the American Expeditionary Force
2) Why did the US mobilize for war on the side of the Allies?
-To ensure Allied repayment of debts
-To prevent German threat to US shipping
24) Who was Henry Cabot Lodge?
Senator who did not trust the Treaty of Versailles and wanted Amendment to be added
12) Who was Herbert Hoover?
He was the head of the Food Administration
10) What was the War Industries Board?
It was the main regulatory body that urged mass-production and the standardization of products
15) Who was George Creel?
Former muckraker who headed the Committee on Public Information. He distributed propaganda.
22) Which of the 14 Points was most important to Wilson (explain the point)?
Point 14 which called an international organization or League of Nations that would enable nations to discuss, settle problems without war
23) How did Americans respond to the treaty?
Strong opposition—some like Hoover though the treaty was too harsh
11) Who was Bernard M. Baruch?
Prosperous businessman, head of the War Industries Board
25) Was the Treaty of Versailles ratified by the US Senate? Explain why.
No, for various reasons such as the US not wanting to be told what to do at home (racist laws could be overturn for example), not wanting US soldiers to die in foreign conflicts, breaking with tradition of isolationism, etc.