These were the "MAIN" causes of World War I
Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, and Nationalism
Trench warfare and a long stalemate characterized fighting on this front
The Western Front
The western front ran through this country
This Treaty ended World War I
Treaty of Versailles
This was Germany's failed plan to invade France early in the war
Schlieffen Plan
These three countries made up the Triple Entente
France, Russia, and Britain
This chemical weapon was invented by Germany
Mustard gas
The eastern front ran through this country
This U.S. President had a 14-point plan for peace
Woodrow Wilson
Battle of the Marne
These three countries made up the Triple Alliance
Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy
This pandemic killed millions during World War I
Spanish Flu
Number 3 on this map represents this country
This international organization was formed at the end of the war
League of Nations
This battle on the Western Front was the longest of the war
Battle of Verdun
Franz Ferdinand was the Archduke of this country
This area between trenches was extremely dangerous to cross
No Man's Land
Number 4 on this map represents this country
Peace treaties were negotiated at this meeting
Paris Peace Conference
This battle on the Western Front was the deadliest battle in history
Battle of the Somme
This assassin shot and killed Franz Ferdinand
Gavrilo Princip
Germany surrendered and the war ended on this date
November 11, 1918
Number 6 on this map represents this country
Ottoman Empire
This Article of the Treaty of Versailles is known as the War Guilt Clause because it required Germany to take responsibility for the war
Article 231
Troops from these Allied countries, abbreviated ANZAC, fought in the Gallipoli Campaign
Australia and New Zealand