These are the MAIN causes of the war
Militarism, alliances, imperialism and Nationalism
The sinking of this ship killed 128 Americans
This was heavily used to convince Americans to support the war
They served both in industries at home and in the Red Cross to help the war effort
This was the treaty that ended the war
Treaty of Versailles
He was the US president throughout the Great War that declared neutrality
Woodrow Wilson
This Revolution was taking place when the US enters the war
Russian Revolution
Americans were urged to buy these to help the war
War Bonds
In propaganda at home, Germans were referred to as
This was Wilson's plan after the War
14 Points
This German technological advancement was the biggest threat Americas contribution in Europe
This was a supposed communication between Germany and Mexico that contributed to US involvement
Zimmerman Telegram
The movement of African Americans to nothern cities during WWI is better known as
The Great Migration
This song was created to get young men motivated for war in Europe
"Over There"
This organization created after the war to end future wars failed due to its lack of authority
League of Nations
In his speech, the president declared that the world must be kept safe for....
The Germans said that they would not attack non-combattant ships in this pledge
Sussex Pledge
These two acts made it illegal to act out or speak out against the war effort
Espionage Act and Sedition Act
Schenck v. United States
A. Mithchel Palmer held this position during the Red Scare
Attorney General
April 6th 1917
This act was passed that created a draft for the War
Selective Service Act
This Board was created to run the industrial elements of the war
War Industries Board
He ran the Committee on Public Information
George Creel
He was the Supreme Court Justice that allowed for civil liberties to be trampled on during and after the war
Oliver Wendle Holmes