The acronym used for the causes of WWI
What is MAIN?
Name for the style of fighting made famous during WWI
What is trench warfare?
This vermin often spread disease and would bite soldiers.
What are rats? What are fleas?
The French term for a truce.
What is an armistice?
Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire formed this...
What is an alliance?
This weapon caused destruction not only to soldiers but the environment as well.
What is a flamethrower?
Rain kept the trenches muddy and damp typically leading to this disease.
What is trench foot?
The country that joined the war in 1917, ensuring victory for the allies.
What is the United States?
Countries began increasing their militaries in order to compete with their neighbors.
What is militarism?
This weapon was first invented and used in WWI and rolls on treads.
What is a tank?
Soldiers would hide in dugouts while this rained upon them.
What is artillery?
The ____ of the losing countries were dissolved, giving many countries their freedom.
What are empires?
Pride in one's country, often times becoming extreme and violent.
What is nationalism?
Many soldiers suffered from this mental ailment, now a days called PTSD.
What is shell shock?
The area between two opposing trenches where soldiers had to cross during battle charges.
What is No Man's Land?
The coalition of several countries in order to preserve peace around the world.
What is the League of Nations?
The desire for control and conquest of other countries resources.
What is imperialism?
This invention was improved to help amputated and disfigured soldiers return to a regular home life.
What are prosthetics?
This battle tactic by the Germans was what eventually led to trench warfare.
What is the Schlieffen Plan?
The final document created by the winning countries that the losing countries had to abide by in order to surrender.
What is the Treaty of Versailles?