Weapons and Warfare
Propaganda and Spanish Flu

What does the N in MAIN stand for? And how did it lead to WWI?

The N stands for Nationalism. This leads to WWI because countries were competing with one another to be the best and other countries believed they were better than the others. This also lead to rivalries amongst nations.


Describe Trench Warfare.

Trench Warfare is when two sides dig trenches on opposite sides from one another and take turns shooting and attacking each other. Most of the time this lead to nations staying in place rather than moving forward.


What is the No Man's Land?

What is the area between trenches characterized by little to no living things, including the soldiers who attempt to cross it. 


What are some different symptoms of Spanish Flu during WWI? 

Some of the more serious symptoms of Spanish Flu are bleeding form the eyes, mouth, nose, and ears, turning blue, and drowning from the inside out.


What country was blamed for the War in the Treaty of Versailles?

What is Germany.


What does the I in MAIN stand for? And how did it lead to WWI?

I stand for Imperialism. This leads to WWI because countries were competing for land, size of empire and access to resources. The more land you owned = the more power you had.


What is a Stalemate?

What is when two opponents can't make a move forward.


What weapon was used to perfection in WWI to make it difficult for soldiers to cross the no man's land because of it's rapid fire?

What is the Machine Gun.


What is propaganda?

Propaganda is the use of multiple communication techniques or mediums to get someone to feel or act a certain way, believe something, or do something.


What two countries suffered the most casualties during WWI?

What are Russia and Germany.


What does the M in MAIN stand for? How does that contribute to starting WWI?

What is Militarism. The build up of militaries made tensions high and made countries become more prepared for eventual warfare.


What is Shell Shock? And what causes it?

What is a form of post traumatic stress disorder that is caused by being exposed to constant artillery shelling during WWI.


Describe 3-4 things you would expect to find in the No Man's Land?

What are craters, mud, no leaves on trees, dead bodies, dead horses, rats, barbed wire, etc.


Where did the Spanish Flu originate? How did that affect WWI?

What is at Camp Funston in Kansas. It affected WWI because soldiers from that camp went to the frontline in France and spread it to other soldiers.

What are two different goals of Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points?

What are to reduce secret treaties, freedom of trade, self-determination for new countries, creation of the league of nations and cooperation among countries.


What was the "straw that broke the camel's back?" And how did it lead to WWI?

What is the Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. 

And it brought all the alliances into war with each other. Austria Hungary declares war on Serbia, Russia declares war on Austria Hungary, Germany declares war on Russia, France and Britain declare war on Germany and Austria Hungary.


What does Armistice mean?

What is an agreement to stop fighting.


What weapon was introduced during WWI by the Germans that was incredibly difficult to defend against and was very dangerous?

What is Poison/Mustard/Chlorine Gas.


What are the 5 propaganda techniques we learned about? And what is the purpose of each? (Hint: P, H, B, E, F)

What are Patriotic (used a countries national imagery), Homefront (targeted those not at war), Bandwagon (said that if others are doing it, then so should you), Emotional (used sensitive topics to tug on the heart strings), and Fear (used to get the audience to be afraid of a certain group of people aka the Germans)


What are three different things that Germany had to do as required by the Treaty of Versailles?

What are paying billions of dollars in reparations, admitting guilt, give up territories in Europe and Africa, and dismantle Military/Navy/Arsenal.


What countries make up each of the major alliances in WWI? Who's apart of the Central and Allied Powers?

Central Powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy, and Ottoman Empire

Allies: Britain, France, Russia, and USA.. eventually Italy as well


What does Self-Determination mean? And what letter of MAIN does it link to?

What is the right of a country to determine how they want to be ruled or to rule over themselves. And it connects to Imperialism.


Describe two other weapons that were used and innovated on during World War 1.

What is artillery, u-boats, tanks, mortars, etc.


Give 2 similarities and 2 differences between Spanish Flu and COVID-19.

Similarities: people were told to quarantine and stay away from public places, masks were used, misinformation was spread, etc.

Differences: S.F. symptoms were more severe, SF started in US where as COVID started in China, SF affected people 20-40 whereas COVID affected mostly the elderly, etc.


What are 3 new countries that were created after the end of WWI?

What are Yugoslavia, Poland, Turkey, Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Lithuania, etc.
