Christopher Columbus
Herbert Hoover
Anne Frank
Who is Christopher Columbus ?
Explorer and navigator Christopher Columbus was born in 1451 in the Republic of Genoa, Italy. His first voyage into the Atlantic Ocean in 1476 nearly cost him his life. Columbus participated in several other expeditions to Africa. In 1492 Columbus left Spain in the Santa Maria, with the Pinta and the Nina along side
Who is Ferdinand Magellan
The voyage was long and dangerous, and only one ship returned home three years later. Although it was laden with valuable spices from the East, only 18 of the fleet's original crew of 270 returned with the ship. Magellan himself was killed in battle on the voyage, but his ambitious expedition proved that the globe could be circled by sea and that the world was much larger than had previously been imagined.
How to redirect to user profile after approving user?
When I approve user, site goes to main page. I would like to go to approved user profile (even better to edit user profile) as I always need to set something in news user profile.
When was Herbert Hoover first sworn in as President of USA?
a) 20 January 1929 b) 4 March 1929 c) 3 August 1929 d) 4 November 1928
who is anne frank ?
Born on June 12, 1929, Anne Frank was a German-Jewish teenager who was forced to go into hiding during the Holocaust. She and her family, along with four others, spent over two years during World War II hiding in an annex of rooms above her father's office in Amsterdam.
what is his family name ?
A family name is typically a part of a person's personal name which, according to law or custom, is passed or given to children from one or both of their parents' family names.
While at the court Magellan was exposed to stories of the great Portuguese and Spanish rivalry for sea exploration and dominance over the spice trade in the East Indies, especially the Spice Islands, or Moluccas, in modern Indonesia. Intrigued by the promise of fame and riches, Magellan developed an interest in maritime discovery in those early years.
Ferdinand Magellan's Early Years
when was he born
Born: February 19, 1473, Toruń, Poland
When was Herbert Hoover born?
) 6 March 1875 b) 7 June 1876 c) 10 August 1874 d) 29 November 1872
how old is anne frank ?
How old is christopher columbus?
(aged c. 54
Magellan was determined to be the first to do so. By now an experienced seaman, Magellan approached King Manuel of Portugal to seek his support for a westward voyage to the Spice Islands. The king refused his petition repeatedly. In 1517 a frustrated Magellan renounced his Portuguese nationality and relocated to Spain to seek royal support for his venture.Magellan: From Portugal to Spain
Magellan was determined to be the first to do so. By now an experienced seaman, Magellan approached King Manuel of Portugal to seek his support for a westward voyage to the Spice Islands. The king refused his petition repeatedly. In 1517 a frustrated Magellan renounced his Portuguese nationality and relocated to Spain to seek royal support for his venture.
when did he died?
May 24, 1543, Frombork, Poland
Where was Herbert Hoover born?
a) San Francisco b) West Branch c) Miami d) Pensacola
whaen was anne frank born?
Born: June 12, 1929, Frankfurt, Germany
During what years did he explore?
Columbus's early years, 1451-1492. The First Voyage, 1492-1493. The Second Voyage, 1493-1496. The Third Voyage, 1498-1500.
On August 10, 1519 Magellan bade farewell to his wife and young son, neither of whom he would ever see again, and the Armada De Moluccas set sail. Magellan commanded the lead ship Trinidad and was accompanied by four other ships: the San Antonio, the Conception, the Victoria, and the Santiago. The expedition would prove long and arduous, and only one ship, the Victoria, would return home three years later, carrying a mere 18 of the fleet's original crew of 270.Strait of Magellan
On August 10, 1519 Magellan bade farewell to his wife and young son, neither of whom he would ever see again, and the Armada De Moluccas set sail. Magellan commanded the lead ship Trinidad and was accompanied by four other ships: the San Antonio, the Conception, the Victoria, and the Santiago. The expedition would prove long and arduous, and only one ship, the Victoria, would return home three years later, carrying a mere 18 of the fleet's original crew of 270.
what is he known for ?
Heliocentric, Gresham's law, Copernican principle
Which university did Herbert Hoover attend?`
a) Yale b) Harvard c) John Hopkins d) Stanford
when did anne frank died ?
1945, Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, Germany
What did Christopher Columbus explore?
In the 15th and 16th centuries, the Europeans wanted to find sea routes to the East. Columbus wanted to find a new route to the Far East, to India, China, Japan and the Spice Islands. If he could reach these lands, he would be able to bring back rich cargoes of silks and spices. Columbus knew that the world was round and realised that by sailing west, instead of east around the coast of Africa, as other explorers at the time were doing, he would still reach the East and the rich Spice Islands.
Magellan: Circumnavigating the Globe
In the end, only the Victoria completed the voyage around the world and arrived back in Seville, Spain, in September 1522 with a heavy cargo of spices but with only 18 men from the original crew.
Could you please clarify the definition and timing of the two delivery modes?
Crisis and /or Preparedness delivery modes are just an indication for users (not for the industry or the contractor) to understand the expected composition of the products depending on whether they are activated under a tight deadline or not, as specified in the Order Form. Deadlines for deliveries are based on different factors, including users’ needs and expected workload. Based on these factors and the resulting deadline, an intensity level is applied. The intensity level determines the production capacity needed for the fulfilment of the expected workload within a given timeframe. The production capacity corresponding to each intensity level will depend on the terms of the Contractor’s technical offer. Crisis and /or Preparedness delivery modes are just an indication for users (not for the industry or the contractor) to understand the expected composition of the products depending on whether they are activated under a tight deadline or not, as specified in the Order Form. Deadlines for deliveries are based on different factors, including users’ needs and expected workload. Based on these factors and the resulting deadline, an intensity level is applied. The intensity level determines the production capacity needed for the fulfilment of the expected workload within a given timeframe. The production capacity corresponding to each intensity level will depend on the terms of the Contractor’s technical offer.
In which of the following countries did Herbert Hoover work as engineer?
a) Albania b) China c) Kenya d) Brazil
what is the cause of death
Cause of death: Typhus