
This was the treaty that made peace between Germany and the Allies. Germany was disarmed, lost its colonies to the League of Nations, returned Alsace-Lorraine to France, was forced to pay war reparations, and made to accept responsibility for starting the war.

What is the Treaty of Versailles?


This is the definition of "militarism."

What is the policy of growing your military, glorifying it, and keeping it prepared for war?


This is the name of the alliance that included Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy.

What is the Triple Alliance?


This is the definition of "rationing."

What is people could only buy or use a small amount of a resource at home needed for the war effort abroad?


Who is Woodrow Wilson?


This is the definition of an "armistice."

What is a formal cease-fire to halt hostilities so a peace agreement can be reached?

This is the definition and purpose of propaganda.

What is one-sided information put out to either persuade your side to fight or harm the enemy's morale?


This is the name of the alliance that included Britain, France, and Russia.

What is the Triple Entente?


This is the link between industrialization, imperialism, and militarism.

What is countries seize colonies to gain resources to feed their industries, then they use these industries to create the weapons necessary to have a larger army to protect these colonies?


What is the sinking in 1915 of the Lusitania - which was a valid military target and the German government warned they would sink - outraged Americans after 128 of them perished on board, and this prompted Germany to halt its unrestricted submarine warfare until 1917?


Beyond the direction they were in, this was the primary difference between the Eastern Front and the Western Front.

What is that on the Eastern Front combat was more mobile and the front was more fluid, while on the Western Front the fighting bogged down into a trench warfare stalemate?


The Balkans were known as this.

What is the "powder keg" or "tinderbox" of Europe?


This is the definition of "national self-determination."

What is the freedom of a people to decide whether they want to be an independent nation and what form of government they should have?


This was the goal of Germany's policy of unrestricted submarine warfare.

What is to sink enough Allied shipping that Britain would starve to death?


Who is Gavrilo Princip?


These are four technologies or tactics that made the First World War a "modern war."

What are machine guns, artillery, tanks, and poison gas?


This is why Russia saw itself as Serbia's "big brother" and protector.

What is that they were both majority Slavic nations, and nationalism compelled Slavs to stick together?


This is what the League of Nations was, and what its expressed purpose was.

What is an international conference designed to act as a mediator in international disputes so that all future wars can be avoided?


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DAILY DOUBLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Describe the Gallipoli Campaign and its goal.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DAILY DOUBLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is that the Allies would land on the Gallipoli Peninsula, seize the Dardanelles and take Constantinople, thereby gaining access to the Black Sea so they could send Russia supplies?


Who is Archduke Franz Ferdinand?


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DAILY TRIPLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is what the Schlieffen Plan called for.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DAILY TRIPLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is send a smaller portion of your army to the east to hold off a Russian attack, while the majority of your army sweeps down through Belgium, takes Paris and knocks France out, then continues around and on to the eastern front to fight Russia before it fully mobilizes?


Describe Wilson's Fourteen Points.

What is Wilson's plan for a friendly peace - guided by the concept of national self-determination - after the war which called for freedom of the seas and trade, small armies, open alliances, and a League of Nations?


These are the five primary causes of the First World War.

What is the primary causes of the war were militarism, alliances, imperialism, nationalism, and the emperor.


This is what it means to be engaged in a total war.

What is the government takes control of the economy, converts factories to making war materiel, and devotes all its resources and labor to the war effort?


Who is Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck?
