MAIN Causes
Examples MAIN Causes
Trench Warfare
The End of War

A union formed between countries for shared benefit.

What is an Alliance?


Provide an example of an alliance used in World War I

Allies - England, France, Russia, Serbia, United States, Italy

Central Powers - Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria


The spark that set off the war which occurred between Austria-Hungary and Serbia.

What is the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand?


Strategy of fighting in a war where both sides dig into the group to protect against heavy fire.

Trench Warfare


One of the treaties that ended the First World War; it put harsh rules on Germany.

What is the Treaty of Versailles?


A foreign policy in which a powerful nation controls and exploits one or more colonies and, during the late 19th century and early 20th century, contributed to European rivalry.

What is Imperialism?


Provide an explanation of how Imperialism provided a cause to World War I.

Answers can vary - will analyze answers presented.


This event knocked Russia out of the war by causing massive changes to their government on the homefront.

The Russian Revolution


These new industrial weapons contributed to the rise of Trench Warfare and made World War I so deadly. (Name one, bonus points for each you can list in the time limit)

Tanks, long range artillery, submarines, poison gas, war planes, machine guns, grenades, new rifles


During the war, the Triple Entente and states who joined them were known as this.

What is the Allied Powers?


political ideology promoting loyalty and pride in one's cultural group, sometimes accompanied by feelings of superiority over other groups.

Also pushed beliefs of a singular group ruling the same group of people



Provide an example of how Militarism caused World War I.

Answers will vary - will analyze responses given.


After the Archduke's assassination, the regional conflict between Serbia and Austria-Hungary expanded to the rest of the world how?

Tangles of alliances:

Serbia's ally, Russia declares war on A-H, A-H's ally Germany declares war on Russia and so on.


A way most countries in the war gained more soldiers by forcing their population of males to enlist.

What is conscription?


What happened to German lands during the Treaty of Versailles? (be specific)

West Prussia - lost to Poland

Rhineland - Demilitarized zone

Alsace - lost to France

Eupen - lost to Belgium


the belief or desire of a government or people that a country should maintain a strong military capability and be prepared to use it aggressively to defend or promote national interests.



Provide an example of how Nationalism caused World War I.

Answers will vary - will analyze responses given.


This event truly marked the end of Czarist Russia despite the Revolution beginning a year prior.

The execution of the Romanov family


Describe the problems with rats in trenches.

  1. They gorged themselves on human remains and disfigured them by eating human eyes and livers

  1. Men would attempt to rid the trenches of rats by various methods:
        a. Guns (pretty straightforward)
        b. With the bayonet (stabbing them)
        c. Clubbing them to death
        d. Terriers (Dogs! Did you know terriers were  bred to kill rats?)

  2. A single rat couple could produce up to 900 offspring in a year

  3. They easily spread infection and contaminated food.


The Treaty of Versailles failed for the following reasons... (points given to whomever has the most of these reasons) 

1. The League of Nations Weak - U.S. did not join

2. Germany angry 

3. The reparations took a massive toll on the German economy and politics

4. Economy and government weakened


These alliances of the 1800s led to the creation of the Central Powers

The Dual-Alliance Treaty and the Triple Alliance


Competition in Africa and Asia by the European Powers fell into what cause of World War I?



What occurred the day of Archduke Franz Ferdinand's assassination?

  1. Bosnia becomes part of Austria-Hungary

  2. Archduke and wife visit Bosnia to inspect military
  3. Cabrinovic’s bomb fails to kill Archduke

  4. Archduke has car drive to hospital to visit those injured by bombing

  5. Princip sees Archduke’s car, runs into street and kills him with a handgun

Describe the problems with patrols in trenches
  1. Some men would be tasked with repairing barbed wire 

  2. Others would go out to assigned listening posts

    1. Goal: to hear valuable information from the enemy lines.

  3. Sometimes enemy patrols would meet in No Man's Land

    1. The two sides might hurry on their separate ways or they might engage in hand to hand fighting.

    2. They could not afford to use their handguns while patrolling in No Man's Land, it would inevitably attract machine gun fire and prove deadly to all members of the patrol


Wilson' idea of allowing newly formed countries to choose their own form of government.

What is self determination?


These alliances of the 1800s led to the creation of the Allies in World War I.

Franco-Russian Military Convention

Entente Cordiale

Anglo-Russian Entente:


German unification throughout the late 1800s and Serbia's desire to split from the Austro-Hungarian Empire are both examples of which MAIN cause?



How did the events of the Romanov executions go?

answers will vary, will analyze as I see them posted.


Describe the problems with lice in the trenches

  1. Breeding in the seams of filthy clothing and causing men to itch unceasingly

    1. Clothing was periodically washed and de-loused, lice eggs invariably remained hidden in the seams

    2. Within a few hours of the clothes being re-worn, the body heat generated would cause the eggs to hatch

  2. Lice caused Trench Fever, a particularly painful disease that began suddenly with severe pain followed by high fever.

    1. Lice were not actually identified as the culprit of Trench Fever until 1918.

    2. Recovery - away from the trenches - took up to twelve weeks.


Woodrow Wilson's ideas for dealing with terms of peace (identify and describe both)

1. League of Nations - countries come together to discuss issues to prevent war

2. 14 Points - rules and protections for all to prevent war.
