This river forms a border for parts of 10 states.
What is Mississippi River
The capital of Texas
What is Austin
Body of water which separates Europe, Asia, and Africa
What is Mediterranean Sea
The only papal state in the world
What is Vatican City
Mountain range mostly located in Peru
What is Andes Mountains
Crater Lake National Park is located in this state
Tallest mountain in the world
What is Brazil
Before 1990, Russia was the largest republic in the former ____________________
What is Soviet Union (USSR)
This is the longest mountain range in the eastern part of the US.
What is Appalachian
The largest state in the US (in area)
What is Alaska
Longest River in South America
What is Amazon
Country with lowest per capita GDP (poorest) in North America
What is Haiti
Country that shares the longest border with US
What is Canada
This river forms most of the border between the US and Mexico.
What is Rio Grande
What is 30 degrees North and 90 degrees West
Longest river in the world
What is Nile
Capital of Zimbabwe
State that was part of Massachusetts until 1820
What is Maine
This spectacular landform is 277 miles long, 18 miles wide, more than 1 mile deep, and formed between 5-6 million years ago.
What is the Grand Canyon
The easternmost state in the US
What is Maine
Mountain range separating Europe and Asia
Ural Mountains
Newest country in world (2011)
What is South Sudan
State nicknamed the Hoosier State
What is Indiana