This is what the seraph did to Isaiah in his vision in the temple.
What is touching a coal from the altar to his lips to symbolize the forgiveness of his sins?
Jeremiah is called this kind of prophet.
What is the weeping prophet?
Mister E. does a very convincing _______________ in the school musical Aladdin Jr. when Jafar gets the lamp.
What is an evil laugh?
This kind of person who stands guard and calls out danger is what God compared Ezekiel to.
What is a watchman?
This empire, led by Alexander the Great, was symbolized by the belly and thighs of brass.
What is the Greek empire?
This Hebrew word means "anointed one."
What is Messiah?
In Jeremiah 31:31, Jeremiah promises this for God's people.
What is the New Covenant?
Mister E. has the best ______________ placed on the door and wall of his classroom.
What are memes?
This is the country where Ezekiel carried out his ministry.
What is Babylon?
This empire in Nebuchadnezzar's dream about the statue was symbolized by the legs of iron.
What is the Roman Empire?
This is the reason why Isaiah said that God would punish Judah.
What is idolatry?
According to Lamentations 3:22-23, this quality of God never fails.
What is his mercy/compassion?
Mister E. does a convincing impression of this Phineas and Ferb character who is the archenemy of Perry the Platypus.
Who is Dr. Doofenschmirtz?
According to Ezekiel 36:27, God promised to put his ___________________ within his people.
What is Spirit?
Complete this phrase loosely drawn from Daniel 5:27, "You have been weighed. You have been measured. You have been found _______________.
What is wanting?
This is how Isaiah felt when he saw a vision of the Lord in the temple in chapter 6.
What is sinful and guilty?
In Jeremiah 1:5, Jeremiah complained to God that he wasn't qualified to be God's prophet because he was so ______________________.
What is young?
Mister E. especially likes the scene in this 1995 comedy where the main character unsuccessfully tries out for the police department.
What is Major Payne?
According to your textbook, Ezekiel is called God's ___________________.
What is actor?
This individual is whom Daniel predicted would arrive and be "cut off" (killed) in Daniel 9:25.
Who is the Messiah?
Isaiah said that the Messiah would be born in this unusual way.
What is a virgin birth?
Jeremiah compares Jerusalem to this kind of woman in Lamentations 1:1.
What is a widow?
Mister E. hopes that this player for the Philadelphia Eagles rushes for over 200 yards against the Chiefs.
Who is Saquon Barkley?
In addition to being a prophet, Ezekiel was also a ___________________.
What is a priest?
This was the name the Babylonians gave to Daniel in Daniel 1:7.
What is Belteshazzar?