Name one place in your body where your worry might show up?
What is deep breathing, taking deep breaths
True or False: Challenging our worry thoughts will help us be able to see the situation in a more helpful way
True: Challenging our thoughts will help us look at it from a different perspective
Change this thought to a more helpful thought
"I am going to mess up this project"
any helpful thought
Name two things you can do when you are anxious or worried.
Anything that makes your body calm!
True or False: It is important to have a "tool kit" or multiple coping skills that help you calm down for different situations
TRUE: it is important to have different coping skills that can help you in different situations, or times
If you can do something about a worry thought - what should you do next?
Brainstorm ideas of how to tackle the situation you are worried about!
Change this thought with a more helpful thought with the word BRAVE in it
"Being away from home makes me too nervous, I'll never be able to do fun things"
Any helpful thought with the word BRAVE in it
Name two situations where you have experienced worry before
Good job!
This is a skill is used to notice and acknowledge your emotions and usually reduces how strong they are
Challenge this thought by changing it from a worry thought to a balanced thought
"I am terrible at math tests"
You did it!
True or False: Changing your thoughts from unhelpful to helpful takes practice
True: It takes pratice and time to change your thoughts
If you experience tummy aches, headaches, difficulty sleeping, racing thoughts prior to a certain activity, what are you likely experiencing?
Anxiety/ Worry
True or False: All coping skills are helpful
FALSE: not all coping skills are helpful, some are helpful and some may be unhelpful such as avoiding or escaping
If you cannot change a situation you are worried about, what skills could you use?
Distraction, acceptance, check the facts
Change this thought to a more helpful thought using the words "I will"
Any helpful thought using the word "I will"
This stress response makes you run away from the situation
Flight Response
Name two coping skills that help you the most when you are feeling worried
Thats great!
Check the facts on this worry thought "If I sleep in my own bed tonight it will be horrible"
Change your own worry thought with two different helpful thoughts you could say instead
BONUS WORTH 1000 points!
Good job!