Minimum hourly urine output for a patient who is experienced a severe burn?
Describe the main differences between basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. How do we identify for potential malignancy?
A, B, C, D, E
A= Asymmetrical
B= Borders irregular
C= Color
D= Diameter of the growth (recent changes)
E= Elevation of the surface
Chart used to estimate burn area.
What is The Rule of Nines?
Most important aspect of burn assessment.
What is Patent Airway? REMEMBER: ABC's...
Common Causes of burns...
What are the types of dermatitis? Treatment?
*Contact (poison ivy, medication, detergents)
*Atopic (Eczema)
*Seborrheic (Cradle cap)
What are the stages of Burn care? Their importance
1. Emergent
2. Acute
3. Rehabilitation
Which type of burn involves the muscle and bone? Does the patient experience pain?
Full thickness