What is another name for a contusion?
A bruise.
What is a laceration?
A cut that penetrates some or all layers of the skin.
What is it called when you lose a limb or extremity?
A dismemberment.
Name one thing you can do to prevent infection.
Wash with soap and water, bandage the wound, keep it dry, and apply antibiotics.
Where does a hematoma occur in the body/skin?
Beneath the epidermis.
What is the first step of treating an open wound?
Cleaning the wound.
Running with scissors could result in what type(s) of wound?
A laceration or puncture wound. (Don't run with scissors.)
What is the first layer of the skin?
The epidermis.
How much blood can pool as a result of a hematoma?
As much as a pint of blood.
What is an avulsion?
The tearing off of skin or material, sometimes resulting in near amputation.
What is the difference between contusions and hematomas?
Both occur beneath the epidermis layer, but contusions disperse blood and cause discoloration, while hematomas create a centralized pool of blood.
Can you reattach severed limbs?
You probably can't, but a doctor sometimes can if the limb is put on ice quickly.