This percentage is the current benchmark for contact in 3.
Delay letter
This is the year The Hartford was founded.
This individual on Team DeGuzman says their favorite band is Matchbox Twenty and Rob Thomas is "the love of their life".
LaShanda Turner
The Super Bowl is the second-highest food consumption date following this major US holiday.
This team is currently leading tNPS for January at 100% led by a fearless leader who loves squirrels.
Team Ross
This individual had the highest compliance attributes reviewed in 2024 with 96% accuracy. They also attended ministry school for a year and got to live in Turkey.
Sarah Hernandez
This Hartford Behaviors is at the top, indicating it's priority to everything we do.
Customer First
This individual on Team Ross was named after an American R&B singer known for the hit "No More Lies".
Michel'le Nevarez
This team ties the New England Patriots with the most Super Bowl wins.
Pittsburgh Steelers
This percentage is the current benchmark for calls answered live.
A copy of this document should be provided to every vehicle owner after payment is issued.
The Hartford has this number of Employee Resource Groups.
This individual on Team Kirkman says their favorite condiment is peanut butter.
Kyandra Smith
Halftime performer Kendrick Lamar was inspired to venture into music after seeing 2Pac and Dr. Dre shooting a music video for this song.
California Love
This individual currently has 100% tNPS with 4 surveys this month. They have also been to 45 states!
Alex McClain
This compliance attribute requires us to communicate all applicable coverages, endorsements, and policy provisions to the insured.
Coverage explanation
This is our mascot's name.
This individual on Team Aldridge is a painter.
Dillon Burks
This is the mascot for the Kansas City Chiefs.
KC Wolf
Ease, Empathy, and Expertise
In CA, a 1st party full or partial denial must be communicated via this method.
Written communication
This is awarded to individuals that make an active contribution towards training in support of our DEI culture.
Ally Badges
This individual on Team Foster has crowd surfed.
Michael LeBlanc
This is the name of the Philadelphia Eagles' signature fight song.
Fly, Eagles Fly