What is the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle?
Wavefunctions describe all the ___ information about a system.
What is dynamical information?
The energy of a particle in a box is this.
What is quantized?
What is commutator?
Replacement for the Rayleigh-Jeans Law
What is the Planck distribution law for blackbody radiation?
Classical quantities are represented by this in quantum mechanics.
What are linear operators?
The number of nodes when n=6 for a particle in a box.
What is 5?
What is 1.
Effect for which Einstein won the Nobel.
What is the photoelectric effect?
What is the momentum operator?
The method of taking the complex conjugate of a wavefunction and multiplying it by an operator, operating on the wavefunction, then taking the integral over the length of the boxes results in this.
What is expectation value or average value?
When n=m, this equals 1, otherwise 0.
What is the kronecker delta?
Formula accounting for the lines in hydrogen's atomic spectrum.
What is the Rydberg Formula?
The probability that a particle is found in a box being 1 leads to this concept.
What is normalization?
The degeneracy of energy levels of a 3-D particle in a box is caused by this.
What is symmetry?
22x * 2-x
What is 2x?
Catastrophe beyond the visible.
What is the ultraviolet catastrophe?
Wavefunctions must meet these properties to be considered physically acceptable.
What is that the wavefunction and its derivative must be single-valued, continuous, and finite.
The principle that allows us to treat each direction of the 3-D box distinctly.
What is separability?
These are not real.
What are orbitals?
or birds...