Which subtest assesses the recall of a short story?
Story Memory (Verbal Memory)
What is the main purpose of WRAML-2?
To assess different types of memory abilities in children and adults (5 to 90 years old)
Name one of the four main WRAML-2 index scores.
Verbal Memory Index, Visual Memory Index, Attention/Concentration Index, or General Memory Index
How long does it take to administer WRAML-2?
45-60 minutes
What might a low score on the Verbal Memory Index indicate?
Difficulty processing, storing, and recalling spoken information.
What type of memory does Design Memory evaluate?
Visual Memory
What are the supplementary subtests? How are they useful?
They include the delayed recall and recognition Conditions of Picture Memory, Story Memory, Design Learning, and Verbal Learning. The supplementary subtests also include Visual Working Memory, and Verbal Working Memory. It is useful because they provide the examiner with information about the examinee's ability to mentally search and retrieve, and/or identifying information after a time delay (20-30 minute delay from the moment you finish the subtest administration). The Visual and Verbal Working Memory subtests provide an assessment of short term recall when executive functions are required.
What is the mean standard score for WRAML-2 indexes?
What materials are needed for the Finger Windows subtest?
A plastic card with holes (windows) where the examiner taps a sequence
How can low Visual Memory scores impact school performance?
Trouble remembering visual instructions, maps, and diagrams
Name a subtest that measures Attention/Concentration
Number/Letter or Finger Windows
How can WRAML-2 results help diagnose a learning disability?
It identifies memory weaknesses that impact learning and retention.
How is the General Memory Index different from the Working Memory Index?
The General Memory Index measures overall memory ability, while the Working Memory Index assesses short-term recall and manipulation of information.
Why should the examiner read story memory items verbatim?
To ensure standardization and accurate scoring across test-takers.
Why might a student with ADHD struggle on the Working Memory Index?
ADHD often affects attention and the ability to hold and manipulate information in short-term memory.
Which subtest involves recalling a sequence of words?
Verbal Learning (read out a list of words four times, and the child is asked to repeat as many words as they can remember)
Why is WRAML-2 useful in evaluating ADHD?
It helps assess working memory difficulties often seen in individuals with ADHD.
What does a below-average score on Verbal Memory suggest?
Difficulty retaining and recalling spoken information, which may impact reading comprehension and following instructions.
What does the examiner do if a child struggles with a subtest?
Continue administration without coaching, as WRAML-2 does not allow prompting.
What intervention might help a child with poor working memory?
Using memory strategies like chunking, visual aids, and repetition.
What makes Picture Memory different from other visual memory subtests?
It requires recognizing previously seen images and marking if they were changed, moved, or added instead of simply recalling them.
How might WRAML-2 be used in an evaluation?
It provides insight into memory deficits related to brain function and cognitive impairments.
What is the lowest possible standard score on a WRAML-2 index?
What is an important rule for scoring responses in verbal recall tasks?
Responses must match key details from the story or list (Verbatim), but minor wording differences may still receive credit (Gist).
How can WRAML-2 results support an IEP for a student with memory difficulties?
They provide evidence for accommodations such as extended time, note-taking support, and breaking down instructions.