Which org has the most amount of reminder schedules (78)
Who is WRA Architects?
How many support messages were received in 2024? (+/- 1000)
What is 17,210+
What item of clothing was a HOT topic in random in 2024?
What is a hood scarf?
In The Santa Clause, the contract that binds Scott Calvin to become Santa is written in this unusual location, requiring a magnifying glass to read.
What is the fine print on the business card?
Who sends the most amount of back-to-back messages in slack while you're in a meeting?
Who is Gloria
What month had the highest amount of project creation at 151 projects created?
October 2024
Which team member has the lowest amount of slack messages in 2024?
Who is Amy?
Rox was obsessed with WHAT halloween costume?
What is Mrs. Doubtfire
What famous line is said in the movie Frozen by the man who owns Wondering Oakens Trading Post (and Sauna!) after the ice storm?
"Yoohoo, Big Summer Blow out"
Which 2 team members objectively had the worst paintings at Paint Cabin night?
Who is Amy and Jess G
What is the total $ amount of the big 3 (VCBO, IBI and WRA) have paid us over their time on part3 in USD? (+/- 25k)
499K USD
What is the highest # for messages posted by a single member? (+/- 1000) Bonus: who was it?
On Monday Nov 18, corey posted photos of 3 delicious items. A pasta bake, a loaf of bread and WHAT other item?
What is honey glazed sandwich buns
In Home Alone, Kevin uses this movie-within-a-movie to trick a pizza delivery person and later scare off the burglars.
What is Angels with Filthy Souls?
Which founder cares so much about accessibility they are testing out life as a mute
Who is Corey
7 firms start with H, name them
H.H. Angus
Hariri Pontarini
Hepper Olson Architects
Human Studio
Hyland Properties
How many files have been uploaded to slack in 2024? (+/- 500)
How many times has the word "plant" been used in the random channel in 2024?
What is 26
In National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, Clark Griswold dreams of installing this extravagant number of Christmas lights on his house, though they rarely work as planned.
What is 25,000
Who is geniunely the worst at submitting receipts of all time?
Who is Jack
9 firms start with the letter M, name them
MCW Consultants Ltd.
MD Architects
MJMA Architects
MMMC Architects
MSA Professional Services
McCarty Holsaple McCarty
McFarland Marceau Architects
How many messages have been sent by ALL members in 2024? (+/- 10,000)
Who played the Pterodactyl in Russell's Jurassic Parked self-made academy award winning masterpiece?
Who is Lucy?
In Elf, Buddy reveals his favorite food groups, which primarily consist of these four sugary items.
What are candy, candy canes, candy corns, and syrup?
Who finally replaced their headphones this year but always struggles to connect on a call?
Who is Jess L