All about you!
What should I do?
About thoughts and emotions...
You should know :)

What is mania?

Increased mood, recklessness, fast thoughts, hyperactive, lack of sleep, irritability, inapropriate behavior, risky behavior, elevated mood.


What is one goal of yours?

Anything! :)


Why should I engage in art even when I don't want to?

It is a great way to express yourself creatively, no one cares how good you are, it doesn't matter, the only thing that matters is how it can make you feel if you allow yourself to!


What are the different types of support systems (people) in our lives?

People that give you information. People that help you do things. People that listen to you and provide emotional support.


How can you have good hygiene?

Brush teeth, care for hair, clean and fitting clothes, smell nice, wash hands, wash body, cover when you sneeze, clean up after yourself, wipe your mouth after eating, and more!


What are symptoms of OCD?

obsessions (fears, repeated thoughts, unwanted thoughts). compulsions (acts done repeatedly and with fear that if not done, something bad will happen, like the obsessive thoughts). 


What topic of interest would you like to teach at QLC?

A hobby of yours, a special interest, something you like talking about, an activity you like doing, a lesson in life you have learned, etc.


Why should someone do yoga even if they don't think it works?

Stretching can help you focus, help your heart rate, blood pressure, it can help you relax and practice mindfulness, which is what helps us calm down in bad situations.


What is mental health stigma?

Assume violent, assume un-intelligent, discrimination in jobs, judging, self-stigma, social isolation ("they need to be locked away"), and a reluctance to seek help because we may believe all this is true.


What are qualities of a good leader?

Communication, Honesty, Emotional Intelligence, Self-Discipline, Oppenness, Accountability, Respect, Encouragement, Lead by Example.

Symptoms of Schizophrenia and Schizoaffective and Psychosis

Hallucinations, delusions, thought disorder, disorganized thinking and speech, behavior changes, limited speech, restricted emotions, lack of interest, problems with attention and memory, paranoia, depression, etc.


What is one behavior you have now that you would like to change?



What is a negative self-talk that you can change into a positive one?

Pick one :)


What is the principle behind the BET triangle?

Behaviors, Emotions, Thoughts. They all influence each other and you can only control your thoughts, behaviors, and what you say.


What are the principles of a good debate/argument?

Have a claim, reason, and evidence.


What is a trigger, its warning sign, and a coping skill in a given situation?

Trigger - environmental event. Warning sign - how do you recognize in body and mind? Coping skill - a lot.


Give a 1 minute elevator pitch of who you are! :)



How do you get out of a rut?

Coping skills, support network, medicine, etc.


What are things you need in your life to feel well and healthy?

Loved ones, gratitude, shelter, self-love, compassion, food, water, patience, safety, coping skills, etc.


What are the roles a group can take to plan a vacation?

destination researcher, budget manager, travel coordinator, accommodation planner, activity organizer, culinary planner, safety and health officer, documentarian, cultural liaison.


What are symptoms of OCPD? Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder?

Perfectionism, difficulty seeing things in the middle, need everything to be in order, rigid routines, attached to objects, obsessed with work, intolerant to change, intrusive thoughts.


What is a big goal of yours? How can you break that down into something you can do everyday?

Let's hear it!


What are five things you can do daily to "check in" with your mental health?

Ask yourself about your mood, stress, anxiety, relationships. Reflect on feelings. Journal. Set time for hobbies. Practice relaxation. Good sleep. Check life balance. Have you avoided any goals? Have you avoided anyone? Have you done something you've been wanting to change?


What is one way I can increase my frustration tolerance?

Take a moment to yourself, vent but don't linger on problem, process emotions, acknowledge thoughts, give yourself a break, ask yourself: "what am I really mad at?", analyze situation, find the lesson and the silver linings :)


What is a cognitive distortion?

Negative or irrational thought patterns that can lead to an inaccurate perception of reality. They can be influenced by emotions and may not align with the facts of a situation
