Number of Nights of Hanukkah
What is 8?
Christians celebrate his birth on Christmas Day
Who is Jesus?
Kwanzaa starts on this date
What is December 26th?
Three Kings Days is celebrated on this date
What is January 6th?
Chevy Chase
What is "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation"?
Name of the candle holder used each night
What is a Menorah?
Location of famous New York City Christmas Tree
What is Rockefeller Center?
What are Red, Black and Green?
The name of this holiday in Spanish
What is "Dia de los Reyes?"
Macauley Culkin
What is "Home Alone"?
Wooden or Plastic spinning toy used in Hanukkah game
What is a Dreidel?
Children traditionally leave out these snacks for Santa
What are milk and cookies?
Decade Kwanzaa was first celebrated in the United States
What is the 1960s?
Animal ridden by the Three Kings
What are camels?
Will Ferrell
What is "Elf"?
This Saturday Night Live cast member wrote the famous "Hanukkah Song"
Who is Adam Sandler?
Many Catholics attend church mass at this time
The word Kwanzaa is derived from this African language
What is Swahili?
Objects traditionally left at the door to be filled with gifts
What are shoes?
James "Jimmy" Stewart
What is "It's a Wonderful Life"?
Hanukkah commemorates the rededication of the Second Temple in this city
What is Jerusalem?
Name all 9 of Santa's reindeer
Number of Principles of Kwanzaa
Some families bake this item as part of the celebration
What is a Kings Cake or Kings Bread?
Bruce Willis
What is "Die Hard"?