What are the "CORE" values?
Community, Opportunity, Respect, and High Expectations
What are some of our class norms? Say at least 3
Respect others, listen, safe space, phone away, no swearing, be kind, have fun, be responsible, be yourself, create comfortable environment, etc
What is "Well Being"?
Well-being: the state of being comfortable, healthy, and happy
What was one of the dress up days during the week?
PJ day, Anything But A Backpack, Your Future Self, Rainbow Day, and Hero Day
What does "Consent" mean?
Giving permission for something
Who are the admin?
Paula, Marci, Maria, Mariela, Pedro
What is the "Circle of Trust"?
A circle where we talk about different topics. We all trust each other and show respect when someone else is talking. We use this to create a safe space for conversation
What does "Being Mentally Well" mean?
Being mentally well means that your mind is in order and functioning in your best interest. You are able to think, feel and act in ways that create a positive impact on your physical and social well-being
What is one of the traditions/holidays we learned about?
Holi, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, Dia De Los Muertos (Day of the Dead), Diwali, Carnival of Brazil, Chinese New Year, and Cinco De Mayo (5th of May)
Where did the rising 9th graders go this week?
What are the 4 classes you take in Aim High?
Book Club, Future Success, STEM, and Issues & Choices
What is "Emotional Intelligence"?
Emotional Intelligence: the ability to understand, use, and manage our emotions
What is "Identity"?
Identity: the distinguishing character or personality of an individual; individuality
Who was one of our guest speakers and what did they talk about?
Sean Collin (plumbing), Carly Jurach or Carly Someplace (photography), Amanda Adams (chef), Markus Mueller (cybersecurity), Dana Dose (nutritionist), Mary-Kate Jackson (yoga), April Cole (travel consultant), Zaide Martinez (from NV supreme court), James Piercy (tree care), and Kate Abraham (photography)
What is the difference between a friend and an aquaitance?
A friend is someone you get to know and an aquaitance is someone you see everyday, but you're not close with them
How many summers has Aim High been around for?
37 summers
What are a couple ways to take care of yourself or calm down when you're upset?
Take a walk, listen to music, talk about it, etc
What are the 4 topics in the "I Am" poems?
Community, Wellness, Connections, and People Who Matter
What does "LGBTQIA+" stand for?
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transexual, Queer, Intersex, and Asexual
How do you establish boundaries?
Talk about it!
Who founded Aim High?
Alec Lee
What should you avoid doing when you're upset?
Taking anger out on others, self harm, isolation, negative self talk, etc
Why is it important to take care of yourself before taking care of others?
What is "Diversity"?
Diversity: the practice or quality of including or involving people from a range of different social and ethnic backgrounds and of different genders, sexual orientations, and more
What makes a good friend?
Someone who listens to and respects you