Finish the sentence
Each sentence must start with a _____________
capital letter
What is wrong with this sentence?
the boy and the girl when to the park.No capital letter
What is the name of your school?
Wentworth Intermediate
Finish the sentence
Between each word you should leave __________
What is wrong with this sentence?
No spaces
What are the names of your teachers?
Mrs. Tanner
Ms. Kooistra
Finish each sentence
At the end of each sentence, you should have _________
What is wrong with this sentence?
Went to the park.
No noun
What is the name of the principal?
Ms. Seddon
Name the 3 types of punctuation we can use at the end of a sentence.
period, question mark, exclamation point
What is wrong with this sentence?
The boy and girl went to the park
No punctuation
Which days do you have gym? Which days do you have music?
Gym Monday/Wednesday
Music Tuesday/Thursday
What does each sentence have to have to be complete?
Noun and a verb
What is wrong with this sentence?
How is your day
No punctuation
What time does school start?