What are the homophones is this sentence?
My aunt ran away from the ant.
What is aunt, ant
Correct this sentence: gabriel and his sister half to go to their aunt's house later
What is Gabriel and his sister have to go to their aunt's house later.
What are the homophones is this sentence?
I put nails in the board because I was bored.
What is board, bored
Correct this sentence: nazir christina jayden and kysen are very happy to be in school today
What is Nazir, Christina, Jayden and Kysen are very happy to be in school today.
What are the homophones is this sentence?
I would get some wood if I wanted to make a fire.
What is would, wood
Correct this sentence: "is are dog, max, in the backyard?" tom asked
What is "Is our dog, Max, in the backyard?" Tom asked.
What is the antonym for male?
What is female.
What are the homophones is this sentence?
The doe ate all my bread dough.
What is doe, dough