You must have this in your exposition to start a narrative.
True or False: Fictional Texts are used to support informational writing.
What is false?
Argumentative writing must be supported by this.
The 3 subjects of writing you can do on the Gwinnett Writes.
What is Language Arts, Social Studies and Science?
What themes have to be in narrative writing.
What is universal?
The number of plot stages.
The text structure this informational writing uses if you are giving instructions for a science experiment.
What is sequence of events?
You must be able to state this in argumentative writing.
What is your claim?
The amount of categories on the rubric for scoring on the Gwinnett Writes.
What is 4?
True or False: Writing too much about both sides of an argument will confuse your reader.
What is true?
The number of paragraphs a narrative should have.
What is there is no specific number of paragraphs, as long as you go through all of the plot stages?
The text structure used if you are giving a timeline of significant wars in history.
What is Chronological Order?
What needs to be in your body paragraphs (3 pieces).
What are claim, evidence, and reasons.
The highest fraction you can score on the Gwinnett Writes that will equal to 100.
What is 16/16.
You need to go beyond the use of the documents in these 2 areas specifically to score high on these categories on the Gwinnett Writes.
What is Prior Knowledge and Use of Vocabulary?
The types of conflict that can be included in narrative writing.
The text structure used to tell about your first day of school.
What is description?
Briefly mentioning the other side of the argument, but coming back to your side.
What is a rebuttal?
If you overuse this on the Gwinnett Writes, it will lower your score.
What is the documents?
The 5 stages that need to be in narrative writing.
What are exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.
Your narrative will sound like this if you do not include dialogue.
What is a summary.
The 6 different text structures that can be used for this type of writing.
The 4 categories used to score the Gwinnett Writes.
What is Prior Knowledge, Use of Documents, Key Ideas and Details, and Use of Vocabulary?
The 4 types of external conflict.
1)Character vs. Character
2) Character vs. Society
3) Character vs. Nature
4) Character vs. Supernatural Being