Grammar & Syntax
Social Skills/Problem Solving
Self-Advocacy Scenarios

What is the difference between "their," "there," and "they're"?

Their: Shows ownership (e.g., "That is their book.")

There: Refers to a place or location (e.g., "The book is over there.")

They're: Contraction of "they are" (e.g., "They're going to the store.")


What is a synonym for "happy"?

Synonyms for "happy":

  1. Joyful
  2. Cheerful
  3. Delighted
  4. Content
  5. Elated
  6. Pleased
  7. Satisfied
  8. Gleeful
  9. Blissful
  10. Ecstatic

Dog is to bark as cat is to __.

Dog is to bark as cat is to meow.


What is a good way to resolve a conflict with a friend?

A good way to resolve a conflict with a friend is to talk openly about your feelings. Listen to each other, apologize if needed, and try to find a compromise that works for both of you.


You’re struggling in math and need extra help. Who should you talk to and what would you say?

Approach your teacher after class and say, "I’ve been having a hard time understanding the recent material. Could we set up a time for me to get some extra help?"


Edit this sentence for grammar: "He go to the store yesterday."

He went to the store yesterday.


Provide an antonym for "difficult."

Antonyms for "difficult":

  1. Easy
  2. Simple
  3. Straightforward
  4. Effortless
  5. Manageable
  6. Undemanding
  7. Clear
  8. Smooth

Hot is to cold as day is to __.

Hot is to cold as day is to night.


Name one strategy to help someone who feels anxious in a social situation.

  • Deep Breathing: Encourage them to take slow, deep breaths to calm their nerves.
  • Positive Self-Talk: Remind them to focus on positive thoughts and affirmations.
  • Practice: Role-play social interactions to build confidence.
  • Find a Buddy: Encourage them to bring a supportive friend along for comfort.

You have multiple assignments due and feel overwhelmed. You want to email your teacher. What would you write?

Email your teacher: "I’ve been feeling overwhelmed with several assignments due this week. Would it be possible to get a short extension on my paper? I want to make sure I submit my best work."


Identify the error in this sentence: "She don’t like going to the movies."

"She doesn’t like going to the movies."


Define the word "diligent" and use it in a sentence.

Diligent means showing careful and persistent effort or work.

Sentence: She was diligent in her studies, always completing her homework on time.


Teacher is to school as doctor is to __.

Teacher is to school as doctor is to hospital/doctor's office.


How can you encourage a classmate who is struggling with a project?

You can encourage your classmate by offering to help them brainstorm ideas, reminding them that it's okay to ask questions, and telling them they're doing a great job. 


You witness a classmate being bullied and want to speak up. Who would you talk to?

Talk to a trusted teacher or counselor and say, "I’ve noticed that [Classmate] is being bullied, and I’m concerned."


Rewrite this sentence to improve clarity: "The book that was read by her was interesting."

"The book she read was interesting."


What does the word "benevolent" mean?

Example: "The benevolent teacher helped her students with their homework after school."

Benevolent means showing kindness, goodwill, or a desire to help others. It often refers to a generous and caring attitude.


Book is to read as movie is to __.

Book is to read as movie is to watch.


You and your classmates are working on a group project for a class. One group member hasn’t been contributing much and seems disengaged. You’re concerned that this will affect the project’s success.

You decide to talk to the group member privately. You could ask if everything is okay and if they need help with any part of the project. Encourage them to share their ideas and remind them that every contribution counts.


You received a lower grade on an assignment and want to understand why. What do you do?

Approach your teacher and say, "I noticed I received a lower grade on my last assignment. What should I do next time to get a better grade? Is there any extra credit I can do?"


Which sentence is grammatically correct: "Neither the teacher nor the students was present" or "Neither the teacher nor the students were present"?

The correct sentence is: "Neither the teacher nor the students were present." When using "neither/nor," the verb agrees with the nearest subject, which is "students" (plural) in this case.


What is a synonym for "exemplary?"

Example: "Her exemplary performance on the project earned her an A."

1. model

2. commendable

3. outstanding

4. admirable


Finger is to hand as toe is to _.

Finger is to hand as toe is to foot.


It’s lunchtime at school, and you notice a new student sitting alone at a table. You remember feeling nervous when you first started, so you want to help them feel welcome.

You can approach the new student, introduce yourself, and invite them to join your friends and you at your table. You could ask them about their interests or classes to break the ice.


You want to join a club but feel nervous about approaching the members. Who could you talk to?

Find a club member or talk to a counselor and say, "Hi, I’m interested in joining this club. Can you tell me more about what you do and how I can get involved?"
