Understanding articles and journals I
Understanding articles and journals II
Scientific literature and peer review I
Scientific literature and peer review II
Attending conferences

Which of the following pieces of writing would be considered primary literature?

a textbook written by physicist

a newspaper article written by a biologist

laboratory notes written by a physicist

A scientific journal article written by a biologist

A scientific journal article written by a biologist

Correct! Primary literature refers to articles that report new research for the first time. For a scientific journal article, scientists write up research questions, methods, data analysis, results, interpretations, and implications. The manuscript undergoes a rigorous examination through peer review before it is recommended for publication.


Scientific articles follow a specific structure because

it creates an archive that we reference.

it makes finding information easier.

it helps other scientists reproduce the research.

All of the above.

All of the above.

Correct! The format of scientific articles provides an archive of scientific research that other scientists can build on. This standard format helps other scientists find the information they need and gives the details necessary to replicate the research.


In writing up the results of a recent experiment for publication, a scientist comes across a study in which the authors describe a similar experiment with different results. What would be the most appropriate way for the scientist to address this in her journal article?

Avoid citing the study since the results differed.

Cite the study to say that the experiment was done and avoid discussing the different results.

Cite the study and offer an explanation why the results might have differed.

Cite the different results as evidence that her experiment was better.

Cite the study and offer an explanation why the results might have differed.

Correct! Scientists can look at existing data in new ways and arrive at different results. Researchers use the literature to learn all they can about a specific area of study, and then cite those articles. This acknowledges the original authors and helps readers understand the researcher’s reasoning in coming to her own conclusions.


Peer reviewers are

senior scientists.


junior scientists.

All of the choices are correct.

All of the choices are correct.

Correct! Peer reviewers can come from a wide variety of backgrounds, and have multiple roles.


Most commonly, scientific meetings are hosted by

government science organizations.

agencies that fund scientific research.

scientific societies.

individual scientists.

scientific societies.

Correct! Early scientific meetings led to the establishment of the Royal Society of London in 1660. Throughout the late 1800s and early 1900s, scientists formed more field-specific societies. Such organizations have continued to increase in number. They host meetings to share advances in their particular area of science.


How do scientists indicate that they are building on past work in their scientific journal articles?

by citing as many references as possible

by describing past work and how their results fit in

by using established methods to conduct their research

by separating the raw data from their interpretation

by describing past work and how their results fit in

Correct! Because science builds on previous findings, it is important to acknowledge previous work and describe how it relates to the current research.


Scientists often begin their research by reading articles published by others on the same or a similar topic. This is because the articles

give us a research project to retry.

provide information that we can use in our own project.

tell us the proven facts about our subject.

show us what has been done and what to avoid researching.

provide information that we can use in our own project.

Correct! Scientists begin their research by reading related articles because science is a process that builds on previous findings. Previous studies can shed light on new research and increase the body of scientific knowledge.


How do most scientists search for and find relevant information in the scientific literature?

by browsing in a bookstore

by subscribing to several journals in their discipline

through databases that archive titles and abstracts

through web search engines like Yahoo!

through databases that archive titles and abstracts

Correct! Having access to the scientific literature is critical to the work of scientists, but far more research is being published every day than is possible to read. Digital and online databases make it easier to search the literature. Here researchers can find titles of published articles along with a short summary.


Which of the following is not a function of peer review?

Peer reviewers comment on the originality of the research.

Peer reviewers comment on the impact, or importance, of the research.

Peer reviewers comment on the popularity of the scientists conducting a study.

Peer reviewers make recommendations to improve tables and figures.

Peer reviewers comment on the popularity of the scientists conducting a study.

Correct! The peer review process should be as unbiased as possible. Peer review should concern the quality of research, not the popularity of the researchers. Peer reviewers may comment on the originality and importance of the research, the quality of the figures and tables, and whether additional research is needed to clarify points.


Which of the following is NOT likely to be a reason a scientist would attend a meeting?

to develop a new research direction

to get funding for new research

to disseminate their research findings to a wide audience

to learn about a new technique they would like to use

to get funding for new research

Correct! Scientists attend meetings to present new research, get feedback from their peers, make connections with other scientists, and learn about new research, tools, and techniques.


Why do scientific journal articles include abstracts at the beginning?

to provide a concise summary of the work

so the abstract can be included in search databases

so the importance of the work can be quickly assessed

All of these answers are correct.

All of these answers are correct.

Correct! Abstracts provide a summary of the work and are entered into databases of scientific literature. From this brief description the research question, methods, major findings, and implications, readers can judge whether an article interests them.


Which of the following publications would be considered part of the the scientific literature?

a peer reviewed article in a scientific journal

a peer reviewed textbook written by a scientist

a newspaper article about a new scientific breakthrough

a science fiction book written by a scientist

a peer reviewed article in a scientific journal

Correct! The vast majority of the scientific literature is published in the form of peer reviewed journal articles. The scientific literature is a reliable archive of research in science. Its purpose is to provide a growing, stable base for new scientific investigations.


Once data are published in the scientific literature, there would be no reason to reanalyze those data later.




Correct! New research questions can be investigated by reanalyzing data that were previously published in the scientific literature. In addition, our evolving understanding of the natural world can reveal mistakes in interpretation in the existing literature.


When responding to peer review comments, the authors of a manuscript must make all of the changes the reviewers recommend.




Correct! Sometimes the authors of a manuscript do not agree with a peer reviewer’s comment. In these cases, the authors provide an explanation as to why did not follow the suggestion made in the review.


A scientist has some work-in-progress that she would like to get feedback on. She is planning on attending a scientific meeting. Which of the following do you think would be her primary strategy to get feedback?

The scientist should give a short oral presentation.

The scientist should try to catch other scientists in the halls of the meeting.

The scientist should not attend the meeting without definitive results.

The scientist should give a poster presentation.

The scientist should give a poster presentation.

Correct! Poster sessions give presenters time to explain their work, answer questions, and talk with others. This type of presentation is a good way to get feedback on work in progress.


In which section of a scientific article are you MOST LIKELY to find a graph?



Materials and Methods



Correct! The data collected during the research are presented in the Results section, both in written form and using tables, graphs, and figures.


Which of the following statements best describes the role of the scientific literature in conducting research?

The literature is usually consulted only at the beginning of the research process in order to formulate a question.

The literature is rarely consulted by scientists as they conduct research.

Old contributions to the scientific literature are no longer useful in modern research.

Consulting and adding to the scientific literature is an integral part of the research process.

Consulting and adding to the scientific literature is an integral part of the research process.

Correct! Since science builds on previous findings, scientists draw on available information to conduct their research. The scientific literature is a reliable archive of scientific research, which scientists make use of throughout the process of investigation. It provides a growing, stable base for new research investigations.


Citing others in your research papers is good practice because

it fills in the gaps of your own knowledge.

it shows that you don’t think you have all of the answers.

it shows that you have been thorough in your research.

other researchers know more about your topic than you.

it shows that you have been thorough in your research.

Correct! Science builds on previous findings, so solid research requires a thorough investigation of the scientific literature. Thorough researchers use the literature to learn all they can about a specific area of study and then cite those articles to acknowledge the original authors.


In addition to peer review, how else is scientific research scrutinized?

By a panel of government experts.

By the entire scientific community after publication.

By a team of University reviewers

By the American Association for the Advancement of Science

By the entire scientific community after publication.

Correct! When research is published, other scientists can read or try to reproduce the research. Publication allows the entire scientific community to scrutinize the research.


The primary purpose of smaller, more focused meetings like the Gordon Research Conferences is

to bring scientists together to work on a new research direction.

to develop an elite group of scientists within a discipline.

to disseminate the results of research.

to decide which research should be funded.

to bring scientists together to work on a new research direction.

Correct! In addition to participating in large conferences, scientists recognize the need to communicate in smaller, more focused meetings. In such meetings, scientists can focus on a specific topic. For example, the Gordon Research Conferences began with the purpose of bringing together a small group of scientists to work at the “frontiers of research.”


What is the purpose of publishing research in a scientific journal and not a popular magazine?

Scientific journals have many more readers than magazines.

Only other scientists are interested in reading about research.

Journals review articles more rigorously and tend to be focused on one specialty.

Research must be shown to be correct before the wider population can read it.

Journals review articles more rigorously and tend to be focused on one specialty.

Correct! The purpose of popular magazines is to entertain and appeal to a wide variety of people, often so the magazine can sell more advertising. Scientific journals, however, generally focus on a particular discipline of science. Articles in scientific journals undergo a careful evaluation by other scientists before they can be published and become part of the scientific literature.


A research paper by several scientists was published in Nature (a prestigious science journal). One year later, other scientists in the same discipline discovered mistakes in the procedures used and alerted the authors. The authors agreed that they had made mistakes, which they had not recognized earlier. They could no longer be confident in their results, so they asked Nature to retract their paper, or remove it from publication. Which of the following statements best describes this situation?

The literature is an archive of knowledge; thus, any known mistakes should be removed.

The authors simply made a mistake; there is no need to retract the paper.

The scientists who found the mistakes were just being picky.

The authors committed fraud and should be punished.

The literature is an archive of knowledge; thus, any known mistakes should be removed.

Correct! The scientific literature is a reliable archive of scientific research. When mistakes are discovered, a paper can be retracted. This removes it from the literature and ensures that the record continues to be reliable.


The process of peer review verifies whether or not research described in a manuscript is correct.




Correct! In peer review, fellow scientists comment on research before it is published. Reviewers consider the relevance and originality of the work, the validity of the methods, the logic of the authors' interpretations, and the clarity of the writing.


Scientists often present results of new research at scientific meetings before it is published in the literature.




Correct! Scientific meetings allow scientists to present new work to colleagues and get feedback at an early stage of their research. These meetings serve as an informal peer review that can help researchers develop, clarify, and refine their work. Then they can write up their research and submit it for formal review and publication.


The media are often in attendance at large scientific meetings.




Correct! It is normal to find journalists, science writers, and public information officers at large scientific conferences. Members of the media help spread the word about new scientific findings to the general public.
