How many paragraphs are in a traditional essay?
5 paragraphs
What's the first thing you should do when getting ready to write an essay?
Read the prompt.
How many body paragraphs are there in a traditional essay?
How do you write a thesis?
Restate the prompt and include your answer.
How many pieces of evidence should you have in a body paragraph?
At least 2 per paragraph.
What should you include in an outline?
Thesis, topics for three body paragraphs, 2 pieces of evidence per topic.
In order, what are the parts of the Introduction?
Hook, background, thesis
How do you use text evidence in writing?
Introduce the evidence before giving it, cite the evidence, and explain how the evidence supports your point.
What goes into the Conclusion?
It should be a reflection of the Introduction: restate thesis, remind readers of the context of the essay, and finish off with a strong statement or call to action.
What makes a piece of text evidence good?
It's clearly relevant to the topic and supports your point without excessive justification.