What is Journalism?
The practice of gathering, assessing, creating, and presenting news and information.
Is it happening nearby?
What is the key difference between a Feature Article and a News Article?
Feature articles are longer and more creative.
What is the WORST type of question for you to ask during interviews?
Close Ended or Yes/No
You cover all perspectives of a story or issue – using the sources who KNOW the various positions
This News Feature is always found at the top.
Does it affect the readers or viewers, or have some consequence on their lives?
What is a good question to ask yourself when starting a Feature Article?
What are possible feature articles?
Collecting facts, quotes, and stories will help you do what?
Develop an idea for an article/ Organize or create an article.
Limited to, involving, or based on fact.
Person you go to to get inspiration or information.
Is it about someone famous?
You have to equally balance these two things in a Feature Article.
Quotes and Information
Catchy titles are best for what kind of articles?
Feature Articles
A short explanation that accompanies an image
This word is used to describe whether a particular story is news.
News Value
Human Interest
Does it tug at the heartstrings?
What are traits of a Feature Article?
Composed of short paragraphs.
Factual information
Filled with flair and personality
What is the purpose of using headings and subheadings in an article?
To organize the article into sections
A tendency to believe that some people, ideas, etc., are better than others that usually results in treating some people unfairly
This News Feature gives the reader the angle of the article as well as the controlling idea.
Secondary Headline
Is it something that everyone is talking about in social media or other news?
A feature article is ALWAYS short, sweet, and to the point.
No! It teaches information, reports the truth, and can inform, persuade, and entertain.
Define Oddity
Odd, rare, weird, a “first,” or otherwise outside the ordinary
When you include your own opinion in a story