Writing Skills
Language Skills
Sentence Skills
Grammar Skills
Always Remember to...
What is the most general statement in the paragraph. It will make a point by offering an opinion and suggesting an organizational pattern.
What is a topic sentence?
Can you spot and correct the misspelled or confused word? Your speech effected me deeply.
What is "effected" should be "affected"? Effected means resulted Affect measn influenced
This describes a word or phrse that descrives another word. It should also be next to the word it is altering.
What is a modifier?
Identify and correct the verb tense error(s)? James realized that the had accidentally threw the concert tickets away last night.
What is he "had accidentally thrown" the concert tickets?
What part of the writing process does this student need to remember? "theyre mad because over their there dog is defecating on their yard."
What is proof-reading or editing?
What are these are characteristics of? *general and specific evidence. *in a logical pattern of organization *concrete and full of information that relates to the topic sentence.
What are Supporting Details?
Can you spot and correct the misspelled or confused word(s)? They're mad because there dog is defecating on their yard.
What is the first their and there? They should be reversed: They're mad because their dog is defacating on their yard.
What is it called when you are joining two sentences together using a semicolon before and a comma after when joining sentences or using FANBOYS and a comma before when joining two sentences?
What is Coordination and Subordination?
Identify and correct the verb tense error(s)? The music at the concert was so loud that after the concert my ears ring for two days.
What is "my ears RANG for two days"?
To improve their writing, what part of the writing process should this student remember? I took the dog to the park. I am asleep in bed, eating Spaghetti-O's. Summer vacation is in one week.
What is outling?
Once a main idea has been expressed in a well-focused topic sentnece, the details must be created and arranged in a _____________.
What is a logical order?
"Affect" and "effect" and "alot" versus "a lot" are examples of?
What are confused or misused words?
Bob takes a towel to the gym that is ragged and stained. This is an example of:
What is a misplaced modifer?
Identify and correct the verb tense error(s)? Ronnie and Spunky the clowns entertains together at childrens birthday parties.
What is "the clowns ENTERTAIN together"?
When the standpoint or person changes without need or warning?
What is a pronoun shift?
Keep in mind the topic being discussed, the point of view, and the major subgroups of the topic in order to debate the ___________.
What is relevance of details?
Can you spot and correct the confused or missuused word or phrase: We accepted the fact that there were to many safety rules to learn in one swimming lesson.
What is to? It should be too.
What is the repetition of a grammatical pattern or repeating the same type of words or phrases for rhythm and emphasis? This must also be even, equal, and balanced.
What is parellel structure?
Identify and correct the pronount/ antecdent error(s)? At the doctor's office, each patient must sign in by writing their name and the time he or she came in.
What is "writing HIS OR HER name"?
This must agree with the form of the word it is referring to or replacing (the antecedent).
What is a pronoun?
What are key pattern words that tell the logical relationship between and within sentences.
What are transitional devices?
A careful reading of the entire sentence and use of context clues will aid you in choosing ______________.
What are proper expressions?
What words do these definitions define? 1. incomplete thoughts 2. sentences joined with only a comma 3. sentences running together without punctuation
What is 1. Fragments 2. Comma Splices 3. Fused sentences (Run-ons)
Identify and correct the pronoun reference error(s)? The college adopted a policy that banned smoking outside of Building 5. This angered many students who smoke.
What is "this" should be, "the no smoking policy..."?
What type of grammar usage does this student remember? "It's too late to apologize," said the pale, skeletal and bitter woman.
What are commas?