
Raymond just got done jumping at Super Bounce Trampoline Center. The total cost of his session was $43.25. He had to pay a $7 entrance fee and $1.25 for every minute he was on the trampoline.

Write an equation to determine the number of minutes (t) that Raymond was on the trampoline.



James' team won the basketball game, scoring one hundred and fifteen points. James scores 19 of those points and the 8 plays scored the same number of points. How many points (p) did each of his teammates score? 



There are 32 students in the class. They are separated into groups of five and one group of seven. How many groups (g) of five were there? 



Modesta and some friends are going to see a movie. It takes Modesta 10 minutes to get to the movie theater and the same amount of time to get back home. If she's gone for 108 minutes, how long was the movie (m)? 

m + 20 = 108


After a day at the Santa Monica Pier, you spent a total of $35. You spent $8 on food and the rest on ride tickets at $2.25 each. How many ride tickets (r) did you buy? 



Scott's garage is charging $89 for an oil change. The parts to do an oil change cost $24. If it took the garage 2 hours to change the oil, how much (M) is the garage making per hour? 



A daycare charges a base fee of 3 dollars plus 0.50 dollars per minute for late (after closing time) pick-ups. Albin had to pay  dollars for a late pick-up.

Gentry tried solving this problem and said the equation was 10.50 = 3a + 0.50. 

Is Gentry correct? Why or why not? (Write the correct equation) 

No, he's wrong. The variable should be with the 0.50 since that's how much is charged per minute. 

Correct equation: 10.50 = 3 + 0.50a


Gabriela is building a brick wall. Each row of bricks is 6.5cm tall except that the top row is 1cm shorter because it has no mortar. She wants the wall to be 259 tall.



The water level in the ocean is decreasing 1.4 ft every year. In 2008, the water level was 10,000 foot. How long would it take for the ocean level to be zero? 

10,000 - 1.4y = 0 


Half of your baseball card collection got wet and was ruined. You bought 13 cards to replace some that were lost. How many did you begin with if you now have 27?



Kim's got $1000 in her saving account. She had to take out $200 to buy something for her sister's birthday and also decided to buy her Spotify premium. The Spotify premium will charge her $5 per month. How many months (m) can she afford Spotify before she runs out of money? 



Asanji had $24.87 to spend on four raffle tickets. After buying them he had $15.51. How much did each raffle ticket cost?

4r + 15.51 = 24.87  or 

24.87 - 4r = 15.51


Josh is hiking Glacier National Park. He has now hiked a total of 17 miles and is 2 miles short of being half of the way done with his hike.

Write an equation to determine the total length in miles (m) of Josh's hike.



Cookies are on sale! Today each cookie costs $0.75 less than the normal price. Right now if you buy 7 of them it will only cost you 2.80!

Write an equation to determine the normal price of each cookie (c).

Hint: this equation has parenthesis 



The Cooking Club made some pies to sell at a basketball game to raise money for the new math books. The cafeteria contributed three pies to the sale. Each pie was then cut into six pieces and sold. There were a total of 78 pieces to sell. How many pies did the club make?

6(3 + x) = 78
