The Process and OGT Strategy
Edit for Success
A Superior Story
Why Should I?
Tell Me More
The first step to successfully completing a writing prompt.
What is read the prompt carefully to understand the task and brainstorm ideas?
Common areas where we use capitals.
What are proper nouns, 1st word in the sentence, "I", first word in a direct quote?
A prompt asks you to tell a story or discuss an experience about a time when you were young. The type of essay you should write is a______.
What is a narrative?
The prompt asks you to: Convince, give your opinion, choose a point of view, state your position on an issue, or argue for or against. You should use _________ writing to respond.
What is persuasive writing?
The type of writing that explains, defines, classifies, analyzes, compare/contrasts, discusses cause/effect
What is expository?
The steps of the writing process.
What is 1. Focusing my ideas with a concept map or an outline? 2. Write the first draft? 3. Reread, revise, edit, and rewrite?
What is needed to correctly revise these two sentences: A. Mary loves. B. Mary works at the cincinnati train station shes off on sundays
A. What is "Mary loves." needs a predicate. What does she love? B. What is: Mary works at the Cincinnati train station; she's off on Sundays. OR Mary works at the Cincinnati train station, but she's off on Sundays.
The part of a story where the author introduces the characters, setting and background information.
What is the introduction or exposition?
The 2 parts necessary for a good persuasive thesis statement.
What is the statement of your position and your 3 reasons for taking that position (claims)?
The paragraph structure for an expository prompt response.
What is 1 paragraph introduction, 2-4 paragraph body and 1 paragraph conclusion?
Before I begin the test, I should:
1. Preview the test. Budget your time. You will have 2 hours to take this test; with 38 questions to complete, you should be through 19 questions by the end of the first hour. 2. Be sure I understand the directions and what the question is asking. 3. Circle key words in the question and the passage or chart. 4. Use all the time allotted for the test. Go over your answers if there is time. 5. Respond to all the questions.
DOUBLE JEOPARDY: The point of view used by the following words: A: I or we B. you C. He , she, it or they
What is A. First Person B. Second Person C. Third Person
The highest point of interest in a narrative.
What is the climax?
What is necessary for a good persuasive conclusion.
What are restate the thesis, put the problem into a real world application or make an emotional appeal?
The type of expository writing in the passage: "Inside District School #7" Niagara County, New York by Joyce Carol Oates Inside, the school smelled smartly of varnish and wood smoke from the potbellied stove. On gloomy days, not unknown in upstate New York in this region south of Lake Ontario and east of Lake Erie, the windows emitted a vague, gauzy light, not much reinforced by ceiling lights. We squinted at the blackboard, that seemed far away since it was on a small platform, where Mrs. Dietz's desk was also positioned, at the front, left of the room. We sat in rows of seats, smallest at the front, largest at the rear, attached at their bases by metal runners, like a toboggan; the wood of these desks seemed beautiful to me, smooth and of the red-burnished hue of horse chestnuts. Give support for your answer
What is descriptive? Possible support: examples of descriptive language, the fact that the author gives information about the different attributes (qualities) of one classroom.
For multiple choice questions, you should:
1. Read the questions first (before the passage) but NOT the answer choices. 2. Mark sections that will help you answer the questions as you read the passage. 3. Look for trick words like never, always, not, except, or every day in an answer. 4. Eliminate answer choices YOU KNOW are wrong.
Choose the sentence with correct parallel structure. A. The coach told us to go to bed early, to eat a good breakfast, and don't arrive late for the game. B. The coach told us to go to bed early, to eat a good breakfast, and to arrive on time for the game.
What is B?
The part that is essential (necessary) to the plot. List 2 types of it.
What is conflict? Man vs. Man Man vs. Society Man vs. Nature Man vs. Himself
List four strong persuasive words.
What is. . . ?
Write the following sentence using descriptive language. The girl ran fast.
What is. . . . ?
For short answer questions, you should:
1. Check how many points each are worth (2 or 4). 2. Make sure you are addressing each part requiring a response by placing a check mark above the items that need to be answered. 3. RESTATE the question (as a statement) in your response. 4. Provide details to support your answer.
The places where commas are used.
What is to separate items in a series, separate 2 independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction, between adjectives that modify a noun, in dates, between a city and a state, and to set off appositives or interrupters?
The 5 essential parts of a narrative in order.
What are introduction, rising action, climax, falling action and conclusion?
The paragraph structure for a persuasive prompt response.
What is 1 paragraph introduction, 3 paragraphs of support, 1 paragraph of conclusion?
List and describe the 5 types of expository writing.
What are Process, Cause/Effect, Compare/Contrast, Descriptive, and Problem/Solution.