Story Writing
Diary Entry
News Report
Scene Description
Speech Writing

Exposition means 

Character and settings are introduced; Main characters face a conflict; Where we learn how the conflict is resolved; Events leading to the end of the story; The end of the story

Character and settings are introduced


Which is the most important pronoun while writing a diary?



What does the by line have?

Name of the reporter


Is chronology of what you write important?

No the sequence is not important

Give a similarity between a diary and speech

use of opinion and pronoun I


Climax and Resolution corresponds to

Character and settings are introduced; Main characters face a conflict; Where we learn how the conflict is resolved; Events leading to the end of the story; The end of the story

Climax: Where we learn how the conflict is resolved

Resolution: The end of the story


What is more important in Diary? 

1. Facts or Opinion

2. Feelings or Description

Opinion and Description


Meaning of Condolence, Compensation

expression of sadness by the government and money given to the aggrieved party.


Paragraph one and two:

Opinion and Fact

One: Fact

Two : Opinion


Give a similarity between News Report

Use of statistics and facts in first paragraph


Rising Action and Falling Action corresponds to:

Character and settings are introduced; Main characters face a conflict; Where we learn how the conflict is resolved; Events leading to the end of the story; The end of the story

Rising Action: Main characters face a conflict

Falling ActionEvents leading to the end of the story


How is diary different from news report

1. Use of I

2. Fact vs Opinion

3. Less of emotions and more of information


Paragraph one has:

What, when, why, which, how and where of the event happened and what was it's outcome


a. First person or third person perspective

b. Use of figures of speech: Yes or no

First person



Body has

Examples, Evidences, Facts, Supporting ideas


What is the correct sequence of the following?

a. Climax

b. Rising Action 

c. Falling Action

d. Resolution

e. Exposition

e, b, a, c, d


In Anne Frank's Diary:

a. Who was kitty?

b. Why did she write a diary?

c. What did she write in the diary?

a. She called her Kitty

b. She wrote a diary because she had no friend of her own.

c. She wrote about her day to day life in the diary.


a. First, second or Third person perspective

b. Active voice or passive voice

c. I or non usage of I

a. Third person perspective

b. Passive voice

c. non usage of I


First Paragraph has: 

The writer describes the picture as a third person

The words shows and not tells the reader about the scene directly


Conclusion has: 

Summary of the speech

Call to action 

Strong and memorable ending


Match with movie: Climax, Rising Action, Falling Action, Resolution, Exposition

Ram was an honest man; Ram was blamed for theft; Cameras showed he did not cheat; The ones who blamed accepted their mistake; Ram was acquitted and went back happy.

Exposition: Ram was an honest man

Rising Action: Ram was blamed for theft

Climax: Cameras showed he did not cheat

Falling Action: The ones who blamed accepted their mistake

Resolution: Ram was acquitted and went back happy.


In the given checklist what are the wrong pointers?

a. Use of informal language

b. Chronology is to be maintained

c.  21.01.22 is how you write the date on the diary

d. Parts of speech makes a diary good to read

c and d


Second Paragraph has: 

Describe the situation before, after and during the event

statements of important people


Second Paragraph has:

Scene is described in detail as if you are in the scene

Emotions are conveyed


Opening has:

Greeting an self introduction

Quotes and Statistics

