
what are the 4 types of essays in IGCSE ESL?

email, report, article, review


How many paragraphs are there in a report?

four to five


Say one example how you address your friend in the introduction of an email.

  • Congratulations on your award! So sorry I couldn’t write to you earlier; it’s been a hectic week over here. You won’t believe/imagine what happened yesterday! Prepare to have your jaw drop!
  • I’m sorry I haven’t written for so long, but I’ve been busy settling into my new house. Hope you’ve got over the flu. Anyway, I thought I’d drop you a line to let you know …
  • How’re things? It’s been ages since we last talked! I thought I’d share with you a once-in-a-lifetime experience I had yesterday. Trust me, you’re going to be amazed!

What's the purpose of a review?

a. give your opinion

b. engage the readers


Name three genre of books.

fiction, non-fiction, sci-fi, fantasy, mystery


What are the two different opinions in an Article?

One-sided and two-sided


How many sentences are there in the introduction of a report? 

2 sentences


Say 2 phrases how we can conclude an email.

  • I really wish you were there! You would have loved it! Give my regards to James and Uncle Joe. Reply soon!
  • That’s it for now. See you soon!
  • Catch you soon.
  • Speak soon.
  • Shoot me an email soon.
  • I must dash now. Update me on your trip to London!
  • I’ve got to go. Write back!
  • I must go now. Stay blessed!

Name five specific reviews that we should learn. 



Is "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas" a non-fiction?  

The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas is a 2006 historical fiction novel by Irish novelist John Boyne


How many paragraphs we should write in an one-sided article?



What we should write in the conclusion of a report?

1. A brief summary of the main points raised in your report (expressed in different words) and/or

Your opinion about the whole experience or on the facts that you have discovered.

2. Your recommendations, solutions, or suggestions + Reason/ your prediction on what will happen if the recommendation is followed


Say 3 phrases that we can express our surprises in email. 

  • I was surprised to see that…
  • I was amazed to find that …
  • I was disappointed to realize that …
  • We were delighted to learn that …
  • We were horrified to hear that …
  • To my astonishment/delight/horror, …

How to write a title for a review of the book "Hunger Games"?

Hunger Games: A Book Review


What are the key elements of a story in a book?

plot, setting, characters, point of view, conflict, resolution, and theme


Explain the format of a two-sided article.

The format of a two-sided article

Paragraph 1: Introduction (without your opinion)

Paragraph 2: One side of the issue either in favour or against

Paragraph 3: The other side of the issue either in favour or against

Paragraph 4: Conclusion (including your opinion)


Say two phrases or sentences that how we give suggestions in the conclusion of a report.

  • I suggest/recommend/propose …
  • I would like to suggest …
  • A solution to this issue might be …

Say three phrases how we can personalize in an email.

  • As you probably know, …
  • As you can imagine, …
  • As you might have guessed, …
  • Wait until you meet/see/taste …
  • You’ll be glad/pleased to know that …
  • You’ll really enjoy …
  • I know you love football, so I’ve…
  • You know how I’m afraid of being alone/you know how scared I am of heights

Can you give a title for the review of a famous local cafe, "Secret garden"? 

Discover the secret: A Review of the Secret Garden Cafe 


Name three sub-genres of mystery books.

•Fiction · Thriller · Crime · Suspense · Detective · Murder Mystery


Explain the format of a one-sided article.

The format of a two-sided article

The format of a one-sided article

Paragraph 1: Introduction (including your opinion)

Paragraph 2: First point supporting your opinion with an explanation

Paragraph 3: Second point supporting your opinion with an explanation

Paragraph 4: State a counterargument (an idea from the opposing viewpoint) and counter the counterargument (i.e., explain why this counterargument is invalid). In other words, state a point made by people who have a different opinion from yours and explain why they are wrong.

Paragraph 5: Conclusion (including your opinion again but in different words)


What we should include in the introduction of a report?

  1. The 7 WHs (of which 3 are absolutely necessary): Who (e.g. your class), What (e.g. a day spent at a science exhibition), When (e.g. last week), Where (e.g. in the town), Why (e.g. to learn about recycling), (written by) Whom (yourself), to Whom (e.g. your teacher, organizers of the event, etc.).
  2. The purpose of the report (what it will cover): This is mentioned in the question, e.g. things that students enjoyed about the trip, suggestions for improvements if it’s repeated next year, etc.


Give three ways/methods that how we personalize in an email.

  1. Mentioning something you know about your friend

E.g. I know you’re a nature lover, so why don’t you come along?

  1. Mentioning something your friend knows about you

E.g. You know me—always the adventurer!

  1. Mentioning previously shared experiences where relevant

E.g. Do you remember that orphanage we visited?

  1. Just including your friend in your thoughts

E.g. I wonder what you would have done.


What are the format of a book review? Explain what should be written in each paragraph.

Paragraph 1: Introduction

Paragraph 2: Summary of the book

Paragraph 3: What you liked

Paragraph 4: What you disliked

Paragraph 5: Overall opinion and recommendation


Name three main elements of a magzine.

ads, feature articles, sections, editorial letters
