Writing Process
Open Response
testing routines

In this part of the writing rubric, you use your best spelling, grammar, and punctuation. You also make sure that all of the revisions you made are included.

What is grammar and conventions (2 points)?


These are used to let your reader know the PURPOSE of the following paragraph(s).

What are topic sentences?


Have you ever had to work outside in the hot sun all day long to get breakfast?  Do you milk cows, get eggs from a chicken pen, and chase down pigs for bacon?  This is hard back breaking labor and it is being threatened every single day by wolves.  While others may disagree, I wholeheartedly feel that the environmentalists are on the wrong side of this serious issue. Wolves create a danger to society,  our future food sources, and the finanacially stability of farmers and ranchers.  For these reasons alone, they should be killed when outside of their core habitat.

What is an introductory paragraph?


These are used to let the reader know the thoughts and ideas in your essay are NOT your own.

What are evidence based terms?


This is the first thing you do when you get your test.

What is read and TAP the prompt?


In this part of the writing process, you focus on the prompt by using a question, connection, complaint, or onomatopoeia to engage the reader.

What is a Hook or introduction?


When writing you will have to use these to let the reader know you are moving from one idea, thought, or subject, to another...

What are transitional words and phrases?


Read the articles.  

Write to explain the effects of global warming on the earth and it's different habitats.

Use information from the passage(s) in your essay.

What is an informational prompt?


After reading, "A Night in the Rainforest", I learned that if we were to cut down trees in the rainforest we would cause damage to the animals' habitats and possibly move towards causing rainforest animals to become extinct.

What is paraphrasing text evidence?


This is what you are going to spend 30 minutes of your time doing during your testing time.

What is close reading (reading and highlighting / annotating)?


In this part of writing, you read every source carefully and highlight and annotate for your purpose.  It is what you will spend 30 minutes of your time during on the writing test.

What is Close Reading?


These 2 paragraphs should contain information about the prompt (your controlling idea) and let the reader know what your essay is going to be about.

What is the introduction and conclusion paragraphs?


Read each article carefully.  

Write your opinion about whether you think students should be required to wear school uniforms everyday.

Use information from the passage(s) in your essay.

What is an opinion prompt?


I completely agree with this, it reminds me of the study we did last year in fourth grade on national parks.  These national parks have been created as sanctuaries to protect animals that could possibly endangered.  It makes me realize that we should treat rain-forests just as we do national parks.

What is my own thoughts/ ideas for elaboration?


This portion of the writing test should take you about 15 minutes.

What is complete my outline?


In this part of the writing process, you use your highlighting and annotating (close reading) to organize and plan your writing.

What is outlining / planning sheet?


These paragraphs are where you use the text/evidence you have read and elaboration to support your thoughts and ideas...

What are body paragraphs?


How many points can you earn for Focus and Organization on the writing test?

What is four?


To begin with, it is vital that we take the safety, learning environment, academic improvement, and emotional well being of our children very seriously.  School uniforms would only improve students' ability to perform in class, they would less likely be bullied, and would be much happier.

What is a body paragraph paragraph?


This is what you will record in the a's and b's of your outline.

What is information and details?


In this part of writing, you write your own thoughts about what you have read to show the reader/grader you understand the content and can make inferences.

What is elaboration?


This paragraph lets your reader know the purpose of your writing and should do something to catch the reader’s attention / engage the reader?

What is the introduction paragraph?


This reminds me of the time that we went camping and while we were sleeping some animals in the campsite came out and ate all of our snacks and food.  We didn't have anything to eat and had to cut our camping trip short!

What is elaboration?


This is how much time you are allotted on the FSA writing test.

What is 120 minutes?


This is what you will put at the top of your outline.  You should use various techniques to increase your score.  

What is  your Introduction?
