What punctuation is necessary to make a clause into a sentence?
At minimum a period, but also an exclamation mark or a question mark.
Describe a descriptive piece of writing in 5 words or fewer.
Painting a picture with words
What is a personal narrative?
A story about something that's happened in your life.
What is a persuasive essay?
An essay with the goal of convincing the audience to do/believe something.
Just like it's spelt.
When you keep adding subject clauses to a sentence.
What is the hardest sense (of the 5 senses) to write about in descriptive paragraphs?
Taste. Or smell.
Is a personal narrative the same as a memoir?
What are 2 main components of persuasive essays and why are they important?
Goal--can't persuade anyone without a goal
Audience--tells you what tone you should use
Where in Russia did I live?
St Petersburg.
Where should a comma go?
Sally and I went to the store yesterday and Sally bought Sour Patch Kids.
Between "yesterday" and "and".
Give me 3 reasons why descriptive paragraphs are important in your writing.
Answers vary
What are the 5 components of a personal narrative?
Character, setting, plot, details, theme
What are the 3 appeals?
Logos, Pathos, and Ethos
How should your laptops be returned to the cart?
Logged out, plugged in with the charging cord on the bottom.
True or false: grammar is unimportant when writing.
True: necessary for others to comprehend
False: when you're in the beginning of the writing process, grammar can get in the way
Describe something in this room using 5 sentences (1 for each sense).
Answers vary.
True or False: Personal Narratives are useless after you finish school.
False. Cover letters for jobs and essay portions of college applications stem from personal narratives.
Which appeal do you think is the most useful and why?
Answers vary.
Remind me what happened to my older brother at Sea World.
Smashed a snow globe into his knee,
What am I describing?
I sit around all day long waiting for someone to notice me. My best friend is rather sharp and tends to leave a lot of marks on me. It's okay, since sometimes the marks go away. I'm smooth, but if you squish me I scream out and become rigid and spikey. When you're young, you sometimes try to eat me, but I don't taste good, I promise!
With your group, give me the beginning, middle, and end of a personal narrative.
Answers vary
Who is the plot triangle named after?