This sentence has only one independent clause.
What is a simple sentence?
This needs to be entered on the subject line.
What is a title that tells what the email is about?
Identify the error.
We are going to new york.
What is to capitalize New York?
Choose the correct word.
David is taller than/then Sam.
What is than?
This is a complete sentence.
What is an independent clause?
This sentence has two independent clauses.
What is a compound sentence?
Each email must open with this.
What is a greeting?
Identify the error.
Wow, that elephant is huge.
What is that it needs an exclamation point at the end?
He wants to snack on a/an apple.
What is an?
This is a sentence fragment (a part of a sentence).
What is a dependent clause?
This sentence has one independent clause and one dependent clause.
What is a complex sentence?
The body of your email must tell what to the person you are sending it to?
What is explain the topic of the email?
Identify the error.
People in the world drink 260,000,000.
What is the number is written as 260 million?
She did not know where/wear she left her phone.
What is where?
This clause always has a SWABI in it.
What is a dependent clause?
The boy ran to the park to meet his friends for a baseball game. (Name the sentence type.)
What is a simple sentence?
This must be included at the end of your email.
What is a salutation like sincerely?
Identify the error.
The girl lived at 15 main street, beaufort, south carolina.
What is the address needs to be capitalized? Main Street, Beaufort, South Carolina
The girl did not seem/seam happy about her brother beating her in the race.
What is seem?
A compound sentence has these type of clauses in it.
What is two independent clauses?
If you finish the test early, you may continue working on your project.
What is a complex sentence?
Identify what is wrong with this email.
Good Morning Mr. Smith,
I'm gonna be late.
What is it is too informal, has little information, and has no salutation?
Identify the error.
Joe the star quarterback was given a scholarship to play football in college.
What is a comma after Joe and a comma after quarterback?
After watching her friends enjoying themselves on the rollercoaster, Mary wanted to ride it to/too/two.
What is too?
A complex sentence has these clauses in it.
What are a dependent clause and an independent clause?