types of writing
parts of an essay
What is missing?
Process of writing a response to text
What type of writing has plot, characters, and dialogue?
What is Narrative writing.
We highlight these parts of an essay in blue.
What is Set up and Review.
It connects to the thesis and states what is going to be talked about. Gives facts about a topic sentence. And, adds more detail to connect to facts and thesis by analyzing in my own words. What am I?
What is point, evidence, and explanation.
Highlight paragraph.
Check your Day two.
Explain this process.
What is breaking the prompt.
What is an example of expository writing? (each member come up with an example)
What is text book, newspaper, cookbook, etc.
What are some types of evidences? (Must name three at least)
What is direct quote, statistics, summary, paraphrasing, concrete example.
Find the points in the article answering the focus question. Come up with three possible points.
What is check my sample. Make sure that the point is answering the point.
Highlight both paragraphs under 4 minutes.
check answers for both day 2 and day 4-6 I believe.
You must use explanation sentence starters to cite your quotes in a paragraph. True or False.
What is False.
What was Gandhi's role in history of India? Tell how he impacted history and made a difference in the world.
What is Expository text.
Part of an essay that includes Author, Title, and Summary
What is Set up.
Find the evidence answering the focus question.
What is check my sample. Make sure that it is not random facts or quotes, it must be answering the focus question and connected to the three points you picked.
What is missing?
1 paragraph: evidence 2 paragraph: point 3 paragraph: thesis
When do you begin creating your box outline?
What is after annotations.
What are the types of writing? Write what they are and a definition or example.
What is Narrative-> plot, character, dialogue/ expository->to inform/ response to text->book review/ persuasive/argument-> to convince.
What are the three types of both Reflection and Hook? And what color do you highlight it?
What is reflection=lesson learned, question, connection hook=surprise, anecdote, question purple.
Find the explanation by answering the focus question.
What is check my sample. Make sure that the explanation is both answering the focus question and evidence.
What is missing?
1 paragraph: thesis 2 paragraph: explanation 3 paragraph: evidence 4 paragraph: thesis restatement
In class we wrote our essays in the order of ->introduction, body paragraphs, annotations, and conclusion. True or False.
What is False. So what is the process order of writing a response to text based on terms before? (Double or nothing)
Create the first two levels of the box outline to respond to prompt. "Reading and writing are considered important skills to many Americans. Write an essay in which you explain three reasons why reading and writing are valuable abilities."
What is thesis:Reading and writing are considered important skills because it helps with communication, is useful for college, and is required for careers. point 1: communication point 2: useful for college point 3: required for careers
Create a box outline for all nine parts of an essay. Label them accordingly.
check your day 17 I believe for your completed box outline.
Create a box outline with all of the information collected.
What is results may vary. Just make sure to that it is in complete sentences using all of the sentence starters and academic quote starters as well.
What is missing from this text?
1 paragraph: set up 2 paragraph: evidence 3 paragraph: explanation 4 paragraph: point 5 paragraph: reflection
In a paragraph, why was it so important to learn response to text this summer. Make sure to use the part of a paragraph to get the full points.
What is depends of point, evidence, and explanation.