Kinds of Sentences
Comma Rules
Verb Tense
Fix This Sentence!

This kind of sentence asks a question and ends with a question mark.

What is interrogative?


The subject of this sentence: Amy likes to cook. 

What is Amy?


The comma rule shown here: I ate chicken nuggets, sweet potato fries, apple slices and baby carrots for lunch.

What is: Writers use commas to separate items in a series or list?


The verb tense here: Dan Cahill thought he had the most annoying big sister on the planet. And that was before she set fire to two million dollars.

What is Past Tense?


Who is your best friend.

Who is your best friend?


This kind of sentence: The sun is out today.

What is Declarative?


Who or what the sentence is about. 

What is the Subject?


The comma rule shown here: I play the guitar, and my sister plays the drums.

What is: Writers use commas before the conjunction in a compound sentence?


The action word in a sentence.

What is the VERB?


My brother's room is blue and I painted my room green.

My brother's room is blue, and I painted my room green.


This kind of sentence: Watch out for the shark!

What is Exclamatory?


What the subject of a sentence is/does/has/feels.

What is the Predicate?


Correct this sentence by putting commas in the correct place(s): Taylor Swift the singer everyone is talking about will be on tour all year.

Taylor Swift, the singer everyone is talking about, will be on tour all year. 


Change this sentence from Present Tense to Past Tense: I carry my lunch to the cafeteria and scan the room for my friends. 

What is: I carried my lunch to the cafeteria and scanned the room for my friends. 


Although I like usually pizza that one wasn't my favorite.

Although I usually like pizza, that one wasn't my favorite. 


This kind of sentence makes a command or request and ends with a period. 

What is Imperative?


The predicate of this sentence: Ms. Kim and Ms. Ramona are great dancers!

What is: are great dancers?


Correct this sentence by putting commas in the correct place(s): Until I take off for college I will have to share a room with my sister. 

Until I take off for college, I will have to share a room with my sister. 


The Verb Tense used in this famous movie scene:

What is: Future Tense?


The cat pounced onto the windowsill, she ate our mint plant. 

The cat pounced onto the windowsill, and she ate our mint plant.
The cat pounced onto the windowsill. She ate our mint plant.
After the cat pounced onto the windowsill, she ate our mint plant. 

Write a Declarative sentence that uses your team as the subject. 
[Answers vary.]

The subject and predicate of this sentence: The country of Canada is currently struggling with wildfires.

Subject = The country of Canada, Predicate = is currently struggling with wildfires.


The comma rule shown here:
Jan, do you know Marsha?
Yes, we met in dance class. 

What is: Writers use commas after introductory words/names (when we are addressing that person), long phrases, or dependent clauses?


Write two sentences of a story (about a talking dog) in the Present Tense. 

[sentences will vary]


I walked toward my locker, but the popular group was blocking it. I felt nervous, sweaty. I didn't want to confront them but I have to. I step forward and said, "I need you guys to move." They just look at me.

I walked toward my locker, but the popular group was blocking it. I felt nervous, sweaty. I didn't want to confront them but I had to. I stepped forward and said, "I need you guys to move." They just looked at me.
