Grammar/Usage Pt. 2
Inquiry/Meaning and Context
Language/Meaning and Context
Read the sentence:
There are several fields _____ the boys can play.
Which word correctly completes the sentence?
​​a. when 
b. where 
c. which ​
d. why​

b. where

​Read the information:
Keith is watching TV even though he ________ be helping Marilyn clean out the garage.
​Which word correctly completes the sentence to show that helping Marilyn is the right thing to do?​
a. could
b. might
c. should
d. will​

c. should


Read the sentence:

In july, my family is renting a cabin in the northern part of the state.

Which underlined word should begin with a capital letter?

a. july

b. cabin

c. northern

d. state

a. July



A student is writing a report about clouds. Read the information from the source. Clouds are large collections of tiny water droplets or ice crystals. These droplets are so light that they float in the air. Heat from the sun causes the water in oceans, lakes, and rivers to evaporate, or become a gas. As the gas cools, it rises, and the water droplets begin to stick together. Millions of these tiny water droplets create the clouds we see in the sky. 

Which subheading would best describe the information from this source? 

A. How Clouds Form

B. Types of Clouds 

C. How Clouds Move 

D. Using Clouds to Predict Weather

A. How Clouds Form


Read the sentence:

James had been taking piano lessons for a long time.

Choose the most specific words to replace the words for a long time in the sentence.

a. since he was five years old.

b. for several years.

c. as long as anyone could remember.

d. longer than his brother had.

b. for several years.

​Read the sentence:
Mr. Clark's class was on a field trip so they missed the fire chief's visit.
​Where should a comma be added?
​​a. after class​
​b. after trip​
​c. after so​
d. after missed​

c. after so



Read the sentence:

Maya ran across her yard and below her neighbor's yard chasing after her dog that had crawled under the fence and escaped.

Which underlined word is not used correctly?

a. across

b. below

c. after

d. under

b. below


Read the sentence:

With Professor Garcia's guideance, Rudy's laziness decreased and, as a result, Rudy was victorious.

Which underlined word is misspelled?

a. guideance

b. laziness

c. decreased

d. victorious

a. guideance


A student is planning to write a research report about whether video games are good for kids. 

Which question would best focus the research so that the student would find information to use in the report? 

A. Which video games are most popular with young people?

B. What are some positive effects of playing video games?

C. When is a good time to introduce children to video games? 

D. How do people begin a career creating video games?

B. What are some positive effects of playing video games?

(1) March 18, 2016
(2) Dear mrs. Grayer:

Which change corrects a capitalization error lines 1 and 2 (the date and the greeting)?
a. march 18, 2016
b. dear mrs. Grayer,
c. March Eighteenth, Two Thousand and Sixteen
d. Dear Mrs. Grayer,​

d. Dear Mrs. Grayer,

​​Read the sentence:
The first performer in the talent show________.
Choose the words that complete the sentence?
a. who was very nervous
b. thinking about winning first prize
c. and also the last performer
d. danced a jazz routine​

D. danced a jazz routine

​​​​Which sentence is written correctly?​
a. We need to build a strong, rectangular, net frame around our playing field.
​​b​. We need to build a strong, net, rectangular frame around our playing field.
​​​c. We need to build a rectangular, strong, net frame around our playing field.​​
d. We need to build a rectangular, net strong frame around our playing field.​​​

a. We need to build a strong, rectangular, net frame around our playing field.


Read the sentence:

"Call me as soon as you get there" Mom said as I walked out the door.

Which change corrects the mistake in punctuation?

a. Add a comma after me.

b. Add a comma after there.

c. Add a comma after said.

d. Add a comma after walked.

b. Add a comma after there.



A student has made a plan for a research report. Read the plan:

Research Report Plan 
Topic: space travel
Audience: teacher and classmates 
Purpose: to inform 
Research question: How has space travel changed since the first spacecraft landed on the moon? 

The student found several sources. Which source would most likely have information that would be useful in the student’s report?

A. a book titled The Space Mission Mystery 

B. a book titled The History of Space Travel

C. a website that describes how to make model rockets for a classroom project 

D. a newspaper article with the heading “Interesting Facts about the Moon and Stars”

B. a book titled The History of Space Travel

​Which sentence has end punctuation that shows excitement?
a. I think that idea will definitely work.
b. I think that idea will definitely work?
c. I think that idea will definitely work...
d. I think that idea will definitely work!​

d. I think that idea will definitely work!

My aunt and uncle has four cats and a dog.
Which word in the sentence is used incorrectly, and how should it be changed?
a. The word My should be changed to Our.
b. The word aunt should be capitalized like this: Aunt.
c. The word has should be changed to have.
d. The word four should be changed to a numerical 4.​

c. The word has should be changed to have.

(2) One day I saw them all sleeping on the same couch. (3) Even though the dog doesn't like the cats very much.
​What error can you find in sentences 2 and 3, and how could you fix it?
​a. Sentence 2 is incomplete. You could fix it by changing "them all" to "all five of them."
b. Sentence 3 is incomplete. You could fix it by combining Sentences 2 and 3 like this: "The dog doesn't like the cats very much, but one day I saw all five animals sleeping on the same couch."
c. The two sentences should have the same verb tense. You could fix this by changing the word saw to see, or by changing the word doesn't to didn't.
d. Both sentences are error-free. Neither needs any changes.​

b. Sentence 3 is incomplete. You could fix it by combining Sentences 2 and 3 like this: "The dog doesn't like the cats very much, but one day I saw all five animals sleeping on the same couch."



Read the sentence:

"Will you be joining us, Kevin? Craig asked.

Which change corrects the mistake in punctuation?

a. Add a quotation mark after the comma.

b. Add a quotation mark after the question mark.

c. Add a quotation mark after Craig.

d. Add a quotation mark after asked.

b. Add a quotation mark after the question mark.


Read the draft of a student’s essay. 

Zookeepers spend their days with animals. They learn what the animals like best and how to care for them. Many of the humans and animals form special relationships. The zookeepers are able to watch the animals grow and change over time. Sometimes, there is also an opportunity to feed and care for baby animals that are born in the zoo. What could be more fun and exciting than that? 

​Which sentence would provide the best introduction for the paragraph?
A. I hope to visit the zoo this summer with my family. 
B. Animals such as bears and monkeys can be seen in many zoos. 
C. I think that working at a zoo would be the best type of job. 

D. There are hundreds of zoos in cities around the world.

C. I think that working at a zoo would be the best type of job.


A student is writing an opinion paper. Read the draft. I appreciate all four seasons, but fall is my favorite. It is the best time of year. There are many reasons why I enjoy the fall. First of all, chilly fall days are a relief after a long hot summer. It is neither too hot nor too cold. The weather feels comfortable and pleasant. My mom likes to make delicious, warm soups as it gets cold outside. People tend to do more outdoor activities when the temperature starts to drop.

Which sentence from the draft should be removed because it does not support the underlined idea?
A. It is neither too hot nor too cold.
B. The weather feels comfortable and pleasant. 
C. My mom likes to make delicious, warm soups as it gets cold outside. 

D. People tend to do more outdoor activities when the temperature starts to drop.

C. My mom likes to make delicious, warm soups as it gets cold outside.

My aunt usually feeds all four cats on the dining room table so the dog can't reach her food.
Which word in sentence 5 is used incorrectly, and ​how should it be changed?​
​a. The word feeds should be changed to feed.​
​b. The word all should be changed to those.​
​c. The word so should be changed to therefore.​
d. The word her should be changed to their.​

c. The word so should be changed to therefore.


Never eat the dog's food --- I guess they don't like it.

What is missing from the sentence, and how could you fix it?

a. A verb is missing from the first clause. You could add it in like this: "Never taste or eat the dog's food."

b. An adverb is missing from the second clause. You could add it in like this: "I guess they don't really like it."

c. A subject is missing from the first clause. You could add it in like this: "The cats never eat the dog's food --- I guess they don't like it."

d. Both clauses need adjectives. You could add them in like this: "Never eat the smelly dog's food --- I guess the picky cats don't like it."

c. A subject is missing from the first clause. You could add it in like this: "The cats never eat the dog's food --- I guess they don't like it."

Read the sentence:
Bo and Katie do not know which of the two new courses they're friends are taking.
What change needs to be made to correct the error? a. Change know to no.
b. Change two to to.
c. Change courses to coarses.
d. Change they're to their.

d. Change they're to their.


A student wrote a paragraph explaining the results of a science experiment. Read the paragraph. Today our class completed a science experiment. We were trying to find out whether we could stop apple slices from turning brown. Ms. Thompson gave each team of students pieces of an apple that she had cut. We put each piece into a small dish. Then, we poured lemon juice, olive oil, water, vinegar, or saltwater over each piece of apple. One piece was left as a control. That means that we did not add anything to one of the dishes with an apple slice. After everything was ready, we took notes about the appearance of each piece of apple. Throughout the day, we came back to check on our experiment and took more notes on any changes we saw. I noticed that the control was the first piece of apple to turn brown. The piece of apple in the lemon juice had changed the least by the end of the day. Ms. Thompson told us that the acid in the lemon juice is what helped keep the apple from turning brown. All of the liquids slowed the browning of the apple slices at least a little because the liquid can protect the fruit from the air. The air reacts with the fruit, causing it to turn brown.

​Which sentence provides the best conclusion for the paragraph? 
A. I liked this science experiment more than if we had read something in our science textbook. 
B. We needed to clean up the dishes and the rest of our area after the experiment was finished. 
C. Joey thought the piece of apple in the vinegar turned brown faster than the one in the olive oil. 
D. Now I know that a good way to keep an apple slice looking fresh longer is to dip it in lemon juice.  ​

D. Now I know that a good way to keep an apple slice looking fresh longer is to dip it in lemon juice.  



Read the sentences.

People visiting Myrtle Beach may want to think before riding the huge Ferris wheel. It soars about 200 feet above the Atlantic Ocean. 

Which conjunction correctly combines the two sentences? 

A. People visiting Myrtle Beach may want to think before riding the huge Ferris wheel since it soars about 200 feet above the Atlantic Ocean. 

B. People visiting Myrtle Beach may want to think before riding the huge Ferris wheel even though it soars about 200 feet above the Atlantic Ocean. 

C. People visiting Myrtle Beach may want to think before riding the huge Ferris wheel as long as it soars about 200 feet above the Atlantic Ocean. 

D. People visiting Myrtle Beach may want to think before riding the huge Ferris wheel whenever it soars about 200 feet above the Atlantic Ocean.

A. People visiting Myrtle Beach may want to think before riding the huge Ferris wheel since it soars about 200 feet above the Atlantic Ocean.
