How many emails are sent and received per day in 2023?
347.3 billion
What was the message of the first text message?
Merry Christmas.
How would you say? @
When was the first email sent?
1971 - Ray Tomlinson
How many sections should be included in a formal email?
call for action
How many percent of the world's population will have access to the internet in 2023?
When was Google founded?
Your details, Personal statement/objective, Skills, Qualifications, Education, References
The annual revenue of Google in 2022 was .... USD
279.8 billion U.S. dollars
Who was the inventor of Microsoft Excel and Word?
Charles Simonyi
Mention at least 3 elements which should be included in a sustainability report in the EU.
How many text messages are sent in a second on an average day?
270,000 texts every second
When was the first emoji set released?
1st of November 1997
Mention 5 visuals you can use in your documents.
graphs, pie chart, bar chart, tables, Gantt chart, diagrams, infographics