PSA submission
Format of the PSA
Fun facts
More on PSA
Some more on PSA

What is the word limit for the final PSA?

1100 words (+/- 10%): 1000-1210 range 


What information should you mention when you first mention the main research study?

You need to mention the main research, with title (e.g. Professor or Dr.), name, year, university/research institute and country/department. It's better to have the main source introduced early in the PSA.


According to QS World University Rankings 2025, where does HKU rank globally? 

Ranked 17th globally in the 2025 QS World University Rankings


How many marking criteria are there for the final PSA assessment? What are they?

Four: Organisation; content; language; use of sources


What is the weighting of the final PSA?



How many references should you use to write up the final PSA?

One MAIN source (within the past two years) + five supporting references (within the past five years); they should be academically appropriate sources 


True or false: I can write my PSA like a scientific report.

False: Your PSA should NOT be structured like an essay, report or research article. 


Based on the World Happiness Report for 2024, which country ranks as the happiest in the world?  

Finland remains at its top position for the seventh consecutive year.


Name three ways that a writer of PSA can use to engage readers.

Writers frequently use storytelling techniques, anecdotes, and metaphors to engage readers and illustrate scientific principles in a relatable way.


What is the due date of the final PSA?

2 December 2024; 11:59pm


The final PSA should be submitted in what file type?

We require the submission of your PSA to be in Microsoft Word format rather than PDF for this assessment. PDF versions will NOT be marked.


Which referencing style should you use?

Science citation style


What does "Hong Kong" (香港) mean in English?

 Fragrant Harbour (possibly due to the Agarwood found at that time in HK) 


Name three differences between a PSA and an academic essay.

Audience, tone, length, structure, visuals, jargon, purpose, conclusion


True or False: Your PSA may be considered for publication in the HKU Scientist. 

The most outstanding PSAs will be considered for publication, and we may contact you after the course has finished to ask for your permission to publish your article.


What should you write down at the top of the first page of your document?

At the top of the first page of your document, please write your name and UID so that we are able to identify you.


Who are the target readers of your PSA?

Non-specialist science magazine readers


What does the term "Chop chop" mean and where does it come from?

"Chop chop" means "hurry" "do it now" and is a phrase first noted in the interaction of Cantonese and English people.


What tone should a PSA adopt to effectively engage the audience and convey its message?

Tone means the attitude and form of address to the reader. In popular science, the reader should be addressed as an intelligent equal, not as a child or in a patronising / offensive manner. The tone should not be overly formal or informal.


Name two popular science magazines.

Nature, New Scientist, Popular Science, Scientific American, Cosmos etc.


How should you name your file when submitting the PSA?

Before uploading our paper, please include your HKU UID number when naming your file. Your HKU UID number will allow the marker to quickly identify you and will make the marking process easier for your marker. Your file name should be formatted as follows: 3006123456_PSA_Final_Draft.doc


Why it is worth to write a PSA?

You may need this skill in your future career, e.g., when explaining science concepts to students or clients. Science is also becoming increasingly more important and popular with the general public. When writing a popular science article, you will develop your skills for looking for and reading academic research articles and presenting information in an organized and reader-friendly way.


 What day of the week is Christmas this year (2024)?

Wednesday 25th Dec 2024


What does discussion of science mean in this PSA assessment?

Discussion of science can include one or more of the following: key background concepts, how something works, structural features, research methodology, analysis and findings/results and so on.


True or false: Your PSA will only be read by your class teacher.

Once all submitted PSAs have been marked, the course coordinator will check through the grades and some PSAs will be randomly second-marked.  
