Expository Steps
Spanish Editing
Are these ______ pens? There, their, they're
What is their?
What is the first step to expository writing?
Step one is analyze the topic.
My mother shrieked about approaching strange animals and warned me. What is the BEST way to revise this sentence? F My mother shrieked about approaching strange animals that warned me. G My mother shrieked. As she warned me about approaching strange animals. H My mother shrieked about approaching strange animals, she warned me. J My mother shrieked and warned me about approaching strange animals.
J My mother shrieked and warned me about approaching strange animals.
They took Oliver out of his pen and put him in there car. What change, if any, should be made in sentence 5? F Change took to take G Insert a comma after pen H Change there to their J No change should be made.
H Change there to their
(6) Eso ayuda a que estemos sanos porque nuestro corazón resibe más oxígeno. 17 ¿Qué cambio se debe hacer en la oración 6? A Cambiar Eso por Esos B Cambiar estemos por estamos C Cambiar resibe por recibe D Cambiar oxígeno por oxíjeno
C Cambiar resibe por recibe
I am going _____ the mall, _____. too, to to, to too, too to, too
What is to, too?
What is the second step to expository writing?
Step two is bubble map.
While the people went upstairs. Oliver was left to sleep downstairs in the basement. What is the correct way to write both sentences? A While the people went upstairs, Oliver was left to sleep downstairs in the basement. B The people went upstairs, and Oliver was left. To sleep downstairs in the basement. C The people went upstairs, Oliver was left to sleep downstairs in the basement. D Sentences 11 and 12 are written correctly in the story.
A While the people went upstairs, Oliver was left to sleep downstairs in the basement.
(5) I just think they get a little too much atention. How should sentence 5 be changed? A Change get to got B Change too much to to much C Change atention to attention D Sentence 5 should not be changed.
C Change atention to attention
Él también dijo que reír con frecuencia hizo más fuertes las defensas de nuestro cuerpo. ¿Qué cambio se debe hacer en la oración 7? F Cambiar dijo por diga G Cambiar frecuencia por frequencia H Cambiar hizo por hace J Añadir una coma después de fuertes
H Cambiar hizo por hace
You have _____ run every day! too, to, two
What is to?
What is the third step to expository writing?
Step three is mapping it out.
The shrimp swam after the clown fish, the coral cheered, waving its arms wildly. What is the correct way to write sentence? F The shrimp swam after the clown fish. The coral cheering and waving its arms wildly. G The shrimp swam after the clown fish, and the coral cheered, it waved its arms wildly. H The shrimp swam after the clown fish, and the coral cheered. Waving its arms wildly. J The shrimp swam after the clown fish. The coral cheered, waving its arms wildly.
J The shrimp swam after the clown fish. The coral cheered, waving its arms wildly.
(11) My cat, on the other hand, is quite comfortable staying inside, and using her litter box. What change, if any, should be made in sentence 11? F Change quite to quiet G Delete the comma after inside H Change and using to she uses J Sentence 11 should not be changed.
G Delete the comma after inside
(18) La risa podría solucionar el problema de las personas que constantemente se sienten con tensión o estrés pero para lograrlo deben tratar de reírse más. ¿Qué cambio se debe hacer en la oración 18? A Cambiar podría por podía B Cambiar sienten por siente C Cambiar tensión por tension D Añadir una coma después de estrés
D Añadir una coma después de estrés
I can't believe _____ not here! There, they're, their
What is they're?
What is the fourth step to expository writing?
Step four is making your draft.
We finished planting.Then we had a tasty picnic at a table we had set up under a tree. What is the BEST way to combine these sentences? F After we finished planting, we had a tasty picnic at a table we had set up under a tree. G We finished planting, then we had a tasty picnic at a table we had set up under a tree. H Finishing planting, we had a picnic at a table we had set up under a tree that was tasty. J We finished planting and had a tasty picnic it was at a table we had set up under a tree.
F After we finished planting, we had a tasty picnic at a table we had set up under a tree.
(17) And you won’t never see a cat tip over a trash can and shred its contents. What change, if any, needs to be made in sentence 17? F Change never to ever G Change and shred to they don’t shred H Change contents to contints J No change needs to be made.
F Change never to ever
(21) Si no necesitas ninguno de los beneficios de la risa, por lo menos pasarás un rato de diversion. Si fuera necesario, ¿qué cambio debería hacerse en la oración 21? F Quitar la palabra Si G Cambiar ninguno por ningún H Cambiar diversion por diversión J No es necesario hacer cambios.
H Cambiar diversion por diversión
The book is _____, not yours! are, our
What is our?
What is the fifth step to expository writing?
The fifth step is revision and editing.
(29) Over and over, cats have come to the aid of their owners. (30) And proved that they are heroic, loyal companions. What is the correct way to write sentences 29 and 30? A Over and over, cats have come to the aid of their owners and proved that they are heroic, loyal companions. B Over and over, cats have come to the aid of their owners and proved. That they are heroic, loyal companions. C Over and over, cats have come to the aid of their owners, they have proved that they are heroic, loyal companions. D Sentences 29 and 30 are written correctly in the paper.
A Over and over, cats have come to the aid of their owners and proved that they are heroic, loyal companions.
(31) So the next time you hear someone listing the reasons that dogs are better than cats, remember that having a cat for a pet has it’s advantages. How should sentence 31 be changed? F Change hear to heard G Change reasons to reason’s H Change remember to rember J Change it’s to its
J Change it’s to its
(22) Reírse es un remedio extraordinario ya sea para tener un cuerpo más saludables o para sentirnos mejor. ¿Qué cambio se debe hacer en la oración 22? A Cambiar remedio por rremedio B Cambiar extraordinario por extra ordinario C Cambiar saludables por saludable D Cambiar sentirnos por sentirlos
C Cambiar saludables por saludable