Opinion Writing
Informational Writing
Must do's
Things to remember
What is opinion writing?
Where I have to choose one side and defend my thoughts
What is informational writing?
Where I am having to tell about the articles I read.
Create a hook for "Give your opinion about whether there should be year around school or not."
Teacher will decide
What do you do when you first get you writing test? I should read the prompt and underline what it is asking me to do.
I should read the prompt and underline what it is asking me to do.
What should be included on your planning sheet.
The Harry E should have the hook, the prompt, transitions, the ideas for the body paragraphs, and the conclusion
What are the three things you must include in your first paragraph?
Hook, I must state my opinion, a wrap up sentence
What are the three things I must include in my first paragraph?
I should include a hook, what I am planning to write about and a wrap up sentence.
Write a hook "Write an informative essay explaining what helped Martin Luther King become successful." Teacher will decide
Teacher will decide
What do you do with each passage before you begin to read?
I should box the title and underline all the capital letters in the title.
Write an transition for the first body paragraph, second body paragraph, and conclusion.
Teacher will decide
What is the purpose of opinion writing?
to tell the reader the way you feel (are for or against the prompt)
What should you do before you plan to write?
Make a list of things you are going to write about based on what the prompt says.
Write a hook, "Give your opinion about weather or not an open wall classroom is a great idea." Teacher will decide
Teacher will decide
What should I do with each article? I should read it carefully and do smart 7
I should read it carefully and do smart 7
What are three different ways you can cite an article?
Examples: According to the article, The text mentions, In the passage.
What should you do before you plan?
I should make a list of things that are for or against whatever the prompt says.
Give an example of how you might write a conclusion paragraph.
Teacher will decide
Write a hook, " Write an informative essay explaining the disadvantages and advantages of different kinds of energy sources."
teacher will decide
How do you know if you should have two body paragraphs or three body paragraphs?
It depends on how much time you have and if there is enough details to support three paragraphs.
What template do you use when writing a body paragraph?
Transition with a complete sentence, evidence, analysis, evidence, analysis, wrap up sentence.
Write an introduction paragraph for the following prompt " Give your opinion do you think having an open wall and two teachers helps students be successful or not?"
teacher will decide
Write a conclusion paragraph for the prompt "Write an informative essay explaining the different kinds of energy sources and the advantages and disadvantages of each.
What is teacher will decide
Write a hook, "Write an informative essay explaining the space exploration of Mars. Teacher will decide
Teacher will decide
What must you do when you are finished writing?
I should go back and reread my writing to make sure it makes sense.
What do I need to do to make sure that my essay flows?
I need to reread it to make sure it makes sense, make sure that my sentences are different (not starting all your sentences off the same) Make sure that my analysis supports my evidence.