Being a Stellar Preceptor
Student Scheduling (I)
Need to Know (I)
Orientation Day
Student Opportunities
This required reading should not be kept a secret! Discuss it with your student and answer any questions they may have or point them to someone who can.
Check with this pharmacist for due dates for submitting rough draft and the final version of articles written for the Apache Scout
Who is Ken? TIP: Have students get started on their Apache Scout article early to make sure they have time to see their article in print. Apache Scouts make great souvenirs from Whiteriver!
Robert Boyle helped us create this place back in 2011. It's an awesome resource for centralizing all the information preceptors need to know about everything!
What is the PHARMACY SHARE DRIVE? Thanks Rob!
Students should report to this department on their first day for a brief orientation. Otherwise they might starve!
What is DIETARY? Who says there's no such thing as a free lunch?
Students should return their quiz for review with Hillary PRIOR to the day they are scheduled in THIS CLINIC. They should also review the patient list in advance.
What is Pain Clinic?
Preceptors should use THESE when communicating with students in order to gain information, stimulate conversation, check for agreement and understanding, build rapport and trust and stimulate thinking.
What are QUESTIONS? (Stellar preceptors ASK LOTS OF QUESTIONS)
Call Danny in Clinic C to schedule students with this provider who is more than willing to accept students to shadow him as it gives him a chance to try out new jokes for his stand up comedy routine.
Students and/or preceptors should contact these persons if there are concerns with the maintenance of the student housing trailer.
Who are Ken and Andrew?
Preceptors need to make sure they are available on the student's first day to welcome them and introduce them to our staff by providing a quick tour of this facility.
What is WHITERIVER INDIAN HOSPITAL? Put on your tour guide hat!
This unique opportunity is typically held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month where students are able to present information to the public on a health topic of their choosing.
What is the RADIO SHOW? Students may present the same topic as their Apache Scout article. Submit rough draft to Hillary by the end of the week prior to Radio Show.
Preceptors should schedule a formal time to sit down with their student and go over THIS at the midpoint and conclusion of the student's rotation. Stellar preceptors schedule additional time if it is necessary.
What is the STUDENT EVALUATION? (or STUDENT GRADING acceptable, but stellar preceptors know that it's about more than a grade!)
Check with the university policy and/or student coordinators before granting this; however, students may earn this by working extra shifts in the evenings or on weekends in the ER.
What is TIME OFF / A DAY OFF? Good to know: 1/2 to 1 day for travelling is usually ok. Have students call or check in with their preceptor if sick. Sick days must usually be made up if possible.
Students working in this clinic are not expected to stay late with the pharmacist and should be dismissed at 430 to catch the van back to Whiteriver.
What is Cibecue?
Students will go to this department on their first day where they will be either scheduled for a general hospital orientation date or given access to complete their orientation in HealthStream.
What is Staff Development? Students who complete HealthStream may still attend the reservation tour on the second day of the general hospital orientation. However, preceptors may also opt out and give them a Friday morning to check out the Apache Cultural Center instead.
This clinic can offer a little more hands on patient interviewing and decision making skills for students. Preceptors should review quiz with their student before scheduling them here.
What is ANTICOAGULATION CLINIC? If the student and pharmacist are comfortable, the student can conduct the entire visit apart from order processing and fingersticks. (Discouraged due to cost of strips and quality provision of patient care; however, pharmacists may sacrifice their own finger to higher education if they are willing!)
***DAILY DOUBLE!*** Stellar preceptors set clear and high expectations at the beginning of the rotation and ensure continuous 2-way communication to address problems and/or opportunities promptly throughout the rotation by providing THIS to their students.
What is FEEDBACK? Stellar preceptors provide LOTS OF FEEDBACK!
The number of hours per week that students are typically scheduled for administrative time.
What is eight? Typically two 4 hour shifts unless they are assigned a substantial project that requires more time (usually reserved for 6-8 week students) Watch out for students who like to hide on the computer!
Students should be reminded to keep their target audience in mind and aim for this reading level when writing their Apache Scout article.
What is 6th grade? (Sometimes we'll let them graduate to middle school, but the lower the better!) Most frequent feedback is to avoid "medical speak" and try to think like an average Apache person. What would they want/need to know about the topic?
Preceptors should make sure students have access to EHR and provide them with a brief overview on use, including having them create THIS in order to sign notes.
What is an electronic signature code? Did you know student EHR format is a little different than ours?
Preceptors may send out an email to this department to request available dates and volunteers willing to take students on a ride-along.
What is PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING? Typically a student favorite!
One important quality of a stellar preceptor is to provide THIS in an informal, immediate, ongoing, and timely manner throughout the student's rotation regarding specific actions with the goal of student improvement.
What is FEEDBACK? Stellar preceptors provide LOTS OF FEEDBACK!
Students should be encouraged to engage in this activity when scheduled at Cibecue, in the ED pharmacy, and even on the outpatient window as time allows.
These two pharmacists will be taking over motivational interviewing and the readmission project on inpatient from Kristen M. Get your student together with one of them during their first week if possible.
Who are Anna and Landon? Good luck in Cherokee, Kristen! Send us a postcard from the Smoky Mountains!
Students need to see this person in HR for a brief orientation and to receive their provider code
Who is Ella Plainfeather?
Students may administer these to ANYONE regardless of their state laws if they are comfortable doing so and have completed a certificate training program.
What are immunizations/vaccines? Students who have not completed a certificate program or want more practice can use Andrew as their pin cushion.