Famous Fictional Characters
Drinks and Mixology
Herbs, Spices, and Seasonings
Big Brands and Companies

This fictional character famously (and incorrectly) is portrayed wearing a deerstalker hat and smoking a pipe.

Who is Sherlock Holmes?


This classic drink is famously ordered by James Bond shaken, but not stirred.

What is a martini?


This aromatic herb is widely considered a weed and is a popular flavor around Christmas

What is peppermint?

This chain was founded in Vancouver in 1928, and got it's start selling BBQ sandwiches

What is White Spot?


This series is named after these magical items that grant a wish if you gather all 7 of them

What is Dragonball?


This fictional character, as seen in the Pirates of the Caribbean series, was inspired by the rock star Keith Richards.

Who is Captain Jack Sparrow?


This beer style was created by loading up barrels of beer with hops to preserve them for long voyages

What is IPA?


This spice is harvested from the bark of certain trees, and is known for it's use in some Western-cuisine desserts

What is cinnamon?


This tech company started with selling computers, famously competing with Microsoft, and now is known for a wide array of portable devices.

What is Apple Inc?


This series is about a school teaching teens to use their superpowers to become heroes.

What is My Hero Academia?


This fictional character's catchphrase was entered into the dictionary, defined as an exclamation when you've said/done something you know is stupid.

Who is Homer Simpson?


This cocktail of vodka, Kahlua, and heavy cream is a favorite of The Dude from The Big Lebowski.

What is a White Russian?


This seasoning was once used as a form of payment, and is the origin of the term "salary"

What is salt?


This restaurant was turned into a global fast food empire after the founding brothers sold it to business tycoon Ray Kroc.

What is McDonalds?


This series about a student who dies and is resurrected as an investigator of the supernatural.

What is Yu Yu Hakusho?


This fictional character is such a miser, that their name has become a term in English for someone who is selfishly cheap

Who is Ebenezer Scrooge?


This Cuban drink is made from white rum, sugar, lime juice, and mint.

What is a mojito?


This spice is harvested from a varietal of crocus flower, and imparts a yellow hue to foods

What is saffron?


This fashion label got it's start with flat-topped luggage trunks in Paris 1854, is currently known for their luxury bags and accessories, and has a simple logo of the two initials of the founder.

Louis Vuitton


This Studio Ghibli film won an Academy Award in 2003.

What is Spirited Away?


This fictional character, created by Agatha Christie, was described by her as insufferable, detestable, bombastic, and ego-centric among other things.

Who is Hercule Poirot?


This drink, made of rum, pineapple juice, Blue Curacao, and sweet/sour mix, was named after the title song song for a movie starring Elvis Presley

What is a Blue Hawaii?


This fragrant root is used in cooking, can be used to make drinks or candy, and is commonly used in folk medicine to treat nausea.

What is ginger root?


This company got it's start selling books online, and it's name was selected because it was "exotic and different"

What is Amazon?


This series was the first manga to be turned into an anime.

What is Astro Boy?
