The main message the author is trying to convey
What is Thesis Statement
Strategies used to convey the theme through character
what is character arc
Term that refers to the writer's or speakers attitude toward the subject
What is Tone
Widely used citation style in English and humanities and uses parenthetic citations
What is MLA Style
Website can you use to create references for papers
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Using personal experiences to prove a point
what is Anedoctal evidence
A universal theme frequently used in literature that resonate across cultures
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Persuasive strategy that appeals to the emotions of the readers
What is Pathos
The first step in the research process
What is Choosing a research topic
Place to get help with writing assignments
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Goal for the essay or paper
what is Acknowledging and Refuting opposing viewpoints
Literary term that refers to the authors underlying purpose
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Persuasive appeal that appeals to the logic and reason in an argument
What is Logos
A source that provides first hand edvidence
What is a Primary source
Room that you can print things for free
What is Avery Hall 105
Something that sounds convincing but is based on faulty logic
what is logical fallacy
A term used to describe an object, person, or event, that represents a deeper concept
What is symbol
Rhetorical appeal that is based on reliability
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Criteria that assess credibility based on the author
object in front of the of the library
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A counter argument
Importance of the theme
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Term that refers to the arragement and organization of visual elements
What is visual composition
The technique that involves seamlessly integrating a qoute
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The amount of library books you can check out at once
What is 299