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The postoperative vitamin regimen for after bariatric surgery should include...

What is a bariatric multivitamin with iron, vitamin B12, calcium, and vitamin D?


This nutrient helps the body heal and build muscle.

What is protein?


How many meals a day should a bariatric patient have?

What are 3 meals (or 5-6 small ones)? 


Post Surgery, your priorities in order should be:

What is Hydration and Protein? 


In order to get beneficial exercise, you must raise this.

What is your heart rate?

Walking is one of the best exercises to start right after surgery.


This form of calcium is the best for bariatric patients. 

What is calcium citrate?

1200-1500 mg per day in divided doses.


After surgery, patients should eat at least __ grams protein.

What is 60-100 grams?*


Bariatric patients need to chew very well. How long should it take to eat a small meal?

What is 20-30 minutes?


Eating and drinking need to be separated after bariatric surgery. What is the name of this rule?.

What is the 30/30 rule?


For weight maintenance and good health, we should aim to get this many minutes of exercise per week.

What is 150 minutes? (30 minutes x 5 days per week) 


The form of multivitamins that should be AVOIDED due to their sugar content, poor absorption and incomplete supplementation.

What is a gummy vitamin?

Vitamin patches are also not recommended.


A tool that you can use to track, monitor, evaluate your hydration, activity and eating actions

What is a journal, app (Bariatastic, MyFitnessPal, etc.), smartwatch?

How much should a bariatric patient be able to eat 6-months post-op? [what portion size?]

What is about 1/2 cup (will vary depending on actual food eaten)?

1 cup around 1 year post-op


In what order should food be eaten after having bariatric surgery?

What is Protein 1st, Non-starchy vegetables 2nd, and then fruit or starch 3rd?


Physical activity plans should include these 3 types of exercise/movements.

What are aerobic (cardio), resistance (strength), and flexibility (stretching)?


These TWO vitamins compete for absorption and need to be separated by at least 2 hours

What is calcium and iron?


Caffeine should be avoided for at least  __ weeks after surgery?

What is 8 weeks?


Alcohol is high in calories and absorbed more rapidly after bariatric surgery. How long should alcohol be avoided after surgery?

What is the first year/one year?


If you find yourself rushing to the bathroom after eating something you KNOW you shouldn't might remember that your diarrhea, nausea, rapid heart rate, lightheadedness, flushing, feeling of doom/panic and stomach cramps is known as

What is Dumping Syndrome?


To prevent dehydration, patients should drink plenty of water. What is the minimum amount of water recommended?

What is 64 fl oz?


Bariatric vitamins need to be taken in what form in the first 1-2 months after surgery.

What are chewable, liquid, crushable or powder in form? 

Vitamins are better absorbed with food in the stomach. Taken vitamins with meals will help with nausea.

Successful patients focus on these Macronutrients

What are proteins, fat, carbohydrates? 


Your stomach will be sensitive for the first 3-6 months. What are some known offending foods? [Name at least 3] 

What are tough red meats, dry chicken, doughy bread, carbonation, fibrous vegetables, stringy fruits, lettuce, raw vegetables, fruits with seeds, nuts, rubbery seafood etc.? 


Snacking, grazing, liquid calories, overeating, poor food choices, not drinking enough water and infrequent follow-up are all maladaptive behaviors that can cause...

What is limited weight loss or weight regain?


How many steps are in a mile?

What are about 2000 steps?
