This gas is a reactant in photosynthesis
C O 2
This pigment of light is reflected by leaves
Stacks of thylakoids are known as these
what are granum
This was the indicator we used in the banana lab to test for a complex carbohydrate.
This vascular structure that runs through plants generally transports water.
what are xylem
This is the form of energy that powers photosynhtesis
What is solar power
This pigment of light is the most efficient for photosynthesis
blue light
This was your responding/dependent variable or measurable difference in data for the "What effects photosynthesis?" Lab
DIfference in the number of bubbles
One layer of mesophyll are made of cells that are loosely packed and sounds like something you might clean with
What is spongy?
This structure of vascular tissue in plants transport sugars, generally.
This sugar is a product of photosynthesis
what is glucose
This pigment of light is the second most efficient in regards to photosynthesis
red light
2 cells around the stomata that open up when the leaf is releasing water are called these.
What are guard cells
Another layer in the mesophyll are cells with a columnar-like shape. Sounds like a place where a Sultan would live.
Palisade cells
Reactions that occur during the day for photosynthesis are known as these.
What are light-dependent reactions?
The simple sugar made in photosynthesis is stored in this complex carbohydrate
what is starch
These are the structures in leaves that are orange, yellow and red and can be seen famously in autumn. Present in sweet potatoes, peppers and carrots.
What are carotenoids
the waxy covering over a leaf that prevents excessive water loss is known as this.
what is a cuticle
If you deprive a flame of this, it will be extinguished.
the name of the cycle that uses ATP and NADPH to create carbohydrates/sugars is called this cycle. aka the Light Independent cycle (Hint:my favorite Newspaper Comic Strip)
Calvin Cycle
This is the gas that is produced by plants from photosynthesis that we should be grateful for
Pigments are located in chlorophyll which is contained in these structures.
This layer of cells is divided into 2 layers and comes from the greek word, for "middle."
These 2 molecules power the Light independent reactions. What is left of them are sent back to the light dependent reaction to be recreated.
This human activity in society puts carbon into the atmosphere.
Combustion of fuel/death and decay