How many times can a course be repeated to improve one's grade?
3 times max!
How many units in a regular semester must a student take to be considered full-time?
12 units
What does an IP grade mean?
In progress. You are still taking the course or the course extends past the normal semester or session timeline.
What is a corequisite?
A course that you must take concurrently with another course. (Page 5)
Last day to add a semester length class this fall?
September 11th
Can you repeat a course you earned an A, B, or C grade in?
How many hours per week in class would a 3 unit course be?
3 units equals approximately 3 hours in class each week.
What does RD mean?
RD = Report Delayed, Admission and Records have not inputted your grade into the system or your instructor has not submitted your grade into the portal.
What is an "Advisory" course in the course descriptions?
Advisory is a recommended preparation course, not a requirement. (Page 35 at the bottom)
Last day to drop wihtout a "W" and with a refund this fall?
September 11th
What is considered a "Substandard Grade"?
D, F, or NP
If a student is taking 12 units this semester, how many hours per week would he or she need to set aside for homework/studying?
One unit = 2 study hours per week
Therefore, 12 units = 24 study hours per week
What is MW?
Military Withdrawal, does not count against the student.
If you have completed a prerequisite at another college and need to clear this requirement so you can take the next course, what is the process/form you would use?
Prerequisite Clearance form --> Admissions: Forms --> Prerequisite Clearance Form
Last day to drop a semester length course with a "W" this fall?
November 18th
If you repeat a course and improve your grade, does the original letter grade remain on your transcript?
Yes. Grades are part of your educational records and cannot be removed even when you repeat a course.
Why is 12 units considered full-time status for a student?
12 units = 12 hours per week in class
12 units = 24 study hours per week at home
12 + 24 = 36 hours per week for a 12 unit course load
How long does a student have to clear an Incomplete (I) grade?
One year from the end of the term in which he or she earned the "I" grade.
If you believe you have the knowledge and ability to succeed in a course without the prerequisite, what process/form would you use to challenge this requirement?
Prerequisite Challenge form
When is the next Holiday where the campus will be closed this semester?
November 11th, Legal Holiday, Veterans Day
If you are re-taking a course for the third and last time, what must you do to register for the course?
Meet with a Counselor and discuss your situation. They will need to write you a letter for your appeal. Submit this letter to Admissions and Records to enroll in course manually.
What is the maximum number of units that a student can take during the regular semester (fall or spring) without obtaining special permission?
Maximum w/o permission is 18 units.
You must obtain special permission if you want to take up to 21 units maximum in a regular semester.
When is the last day to drop a semester-length class with a "W" for this Fall semester?
November 18th (College Calendar - Page 2 in catalog)
What is the corequisite for Biology 10?
Bio 10L -- Biology lab (page 53)
When is the first day of the Spring 2017 semester?